Justin, much appreciated. You did answer most of my questions. I tested a
little more and with a simple get file_name I was only able to achieve 700
KB/s. With pget -n 3 I was able to hit 1.1 MB/s which is a bit better. I
also noticed that with pget a status file gets created that looks to have
0-2 (if I chose an n of 3) along with what I assume are beginning and
ending points for the file it has broken up into pieces. If this is so,
then this is what I was looking to do.

When I referred to pget being used along with parallel options I was
referring to this line which I found here<http://linuxreviews.org/man/lftp/>
: -P, --parallel[=N]download N files in parallel
 --use-pget[-n=N]use pget to transfer every single file

--looploop until no changes found

I wasn't entirely sure what that would do, except for maybe segment
individual files in a threaded process which I believe is what you
recommended against. I notice the above is not in the man page I find on my
system, but it piqued my curiosity.

One final question, is there a way to increase verbosity for pget? I
noticed in the man page that I could with mirror, but didn't see anything
for pget and my attempts at it didn't work.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Justin Piszcz <jpis...@lucidpixels.com>wrote:

> Hi,****
> ** **
> Generally you will use –parallel=X for directories with multiple files (to
> pull multiple files at the same time under a particular directory tree) and
> pget –n X for single files (typically large ones), say Linux ISOs.****
> ** **
> I do not recall exactly if there is a way to mirror –parallel and pget –n
> X for each of the files it mirrors in parallel.****
> ** **
> However, I’d not recommend this though, e.g. if you mirrored with 5
> parallel connections with 5 parallel threads each that would be 25
> simultaneous connections whereas most public FTP sites allow 1-3
> connections per IP.****
> ** **
> Does that answer your question?****
> ** **
> lftp :~> help pget****
> Usage: pget [OPTS] <rfile> [-o <lfile>]****
> Gets the specified file using several connections. This can speed up
> transfer,****
> but loads the net heavily impacting other users. Use only if you really***
> *
> have to transfer the file ASAP.****
> ** **
> Options:****
> -c  continue transfer. Requires <lfile>.lftp-pget-status file.****
> -n <maxconn>  set maximum number of connections (default is is taken from*
> ***
>      pget:default-n setting)****
> -O <base> specifies base directory where files should be placed****
> lftp :~>****
> ** **
> Justin.****
> ** **
> *From:* lftp-boun...@uniyar.ac.ru [mailto:lftp-boun...@uniyar.ac.ru] *On
> Behalf Of *Dave
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 23, 2012 1:07 PM
> *To:* lftp@uniyar.ac.ru
> *Subject:* [lftp] Breaking a single file into multiple parts-segmented
> downloads****
> ** **
> Hi all, I'm a casual user looking to break away from Windows. I use
> CuteFTP a lot over there and one function I can't seem to replicate is its
> ability to  break a single file into multiple parts to increase transfer
> speed. I've come to call this segmented downloads but I've no idea if
> that's the right term. I have a dedicated server in Europe which sometimes
> has ridiculously slow speeds to the U.S. and this function has really come
> in handy. ****
> ** **
> I've been browsing through the lftp documentation and man pages and, while
> I think I've come across that exact thing, I'm having a hard time knowing
> for certain.****
> ** **
> If I want to grab an entire directory I've found I can use  "mirror
> --parallel=5 dir_name" to open up five separate threads and increase the
> speed of the transfer that way.
> It sounds like pget might do what I want with single files, but I'm
> unsure. I've also found that I can use pget in conjunction with mirror but
> again I'm unsure if that's doing what I want. In a brief test last night I
> found I was getting basically the same speed with and without pget. With
> CuteFTP I would see multiple part files in the directory and they would be
> recombined once the download finished.****
> ** **
> Could someone elaborate in basic terms what pget does, if it does what I
> want, and maybe how it works with mirror. ****
> ** **
> For the latter I see that using pget with mirror transfers every single
> file (something I thought mirror would do on its own). pget can also be
> used on its own and gets the file using multiple connections, which seems
> like it's what I want, but I'm not sure. ****
> ** **
> Appreciate any assistance,****
>     Dave****
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