I'm pretty sure we've seen this as well, specifically when transferring to a 
Windows FTP server. We were blaming other tools and are still trying to get to 
the bottom of it. It would be interesting if it's due to lftp. 

Nate Sutton

On Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Steven Du wrote:

> Hi Gurus,
> Recent we switch to lftp from ftp since support sftp in Windows Server. After 
> then, we run into a very weird issue. 2 random of 2000 files get corrupted 
> when uploading files from Linux box to Windows Server. The corrupted files 
> have some (10+ character) tailing alien character at the end of file. 
> Transfer them as ASCII mode since all are *.csv file. .lftp/rc setting as 
> below:
> set cmd:save-rl-history no
> set ftp:ssl-allow yes
> set ftp:ssl-allow-anonymous no
> set ftp:ssl-auth TLS
> set ftp:ssl-data-use-keys yes
> set ftp:ssl-protect-data yes
> set ftp:ssl-protect-list yes
> set ftp:passive-mode 0
> set xfer:log no
> set xfer:clobber yes
> set ftp:lang EN
> set file:charset UTF-8
> set xfer:verify
> From debug mode, I could not find any error reported by lftp client. But, 
> after upload, then download and compared, it is easy to find two files 
> difference. 
> Considering lftp might not handle 2000 files, I put seperated and only upload 
> 200 files and sleep 5 seconds, and then continues to upload next 200 files 
> until finish. I still have this issue even if not 100% happen, but it's 
> possibility is about 90%. 
> Any help or hint is highly appreciate!
> Thanks,
> Edgy
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