I'm trying to connect to the proftpd server:
---> USER tloudev
<--- 331 Password required for tloudev
<--- 230 User tloudev logged in
---> PWD
<--- 230 Ls oi a:2013-01-02 13:18:34
---> PBSZ 0
<--- 257 "/" is the current directory
---> PROT P
<--- 200 PBSZ 0 successful
---> PASV
<--- 200 Protection set to Private
---> LIST
---> ABOR

...then lftp tries to reconnect, but the second time without passive mode:

---> PWD
<--- 230 Ls oi a:2013-01-02 13:22:41
---> PBSZ 0
<--- 257 "/" is the current directory
---> PROT P
<--- 200 PBSZ 0 successful
---> PORT 192,168,1,156,142,145
<--- 200 Protection set to Private
---> LIST
<--- 500 Illegal PORT command

Maybe it's fault on the server side I'd like to know the reason, why the lftp send "LIST" followed by "ABOR" and disables the passive mode.

The only setting I have in my ~/.lftpd/rc is set ftp:passive-mode on
I use lftp 4.3.5 (linux mint 12)
Thank you
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