My FTP password has punctuation symbols. I've saved the login in .lftp/bookmarks file with password. Until v4.4.0 this worked, now with v4.4.1 it doesn't connect to FTP server and it shows "Login failed: 530 Login incorrect." I have tried to connect without bookmark but the problem is in the transmission of the password (I think):

   $ lftp kemservi -u xxxx
   ---- Resolving host address...
   ---- 1 address found: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
   [ftp] :~> ls
   ---- Connecting to kemservi (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) port 21
   ---> FEAT
   <--- 220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
   <--- 211-Features:
   <---  EPRT
   <---  EPSV
   <---  MDTM
   <---  PASV
   <---  REST STREAM
   <---  SIZE
   <---  TVFS
   <---  UTF8
   <--- 211 End
   ---> OPTS UTF8 ON
   ---> USER xxxx
   <--- 200 Always in UTF8 mode.
   <--- 331 Please specify the password.
   ---> PASS XXXX
   ---> PWD
   ---- CWD path to be sent is `/torrent-descargas'
   ---> CWD /torrent-descargas
   <--- 530 Login incorrect.
   ---- Closing control socket
   ls: Login failed: 530 Login incorrect.

    I think this is a very severe bug of version 4.4.1.
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