El jue 07 feb 2013 08:07:02 CET, Alexander V. Lukyanov escribió:

On Wed, Feb 06, 2013 at 02:34:24PM +0100, J1 Simón wrote:

So really this command actually is useless and it doesn't what it
says it does. What's the difference with "at-exit", "at-exit-bg" and
"at-exit-fg"? Which is the way to attach a background session
without launch another lftp instance? How can I determine if really
lftp is terminated if "at-terminate" is executed when lftp still is

I think you should use a different approach. Monitor ~/.lftp/bg directory
for sockets. Every background lftp instance creates a socket there and
removes it when it's attached or when it terminates.

I've already created a script to simulate this:

if [ "$(ls -A ~/.lftp/bg)" ]; then
    terminator -x lftp -c attach 2>/dev/null
    exit 0
elif ps -e -o command | egrep '^lftp ftpkemservi' >/dev/null; then
    exit 0

# create a FIFO file, used to manage the I/O redirection from shell
PIPE=$(mktemp -u --tmpdir ${0##*/}.XXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $PIPE

# attach a file descriptor to the file
exec 3<> $PIPE

export PIPE

# add handler for tray icon left click
function on_click {
    if [ "$(ls -A ~/.lftp/bg)" ]; then
        terminator -x lftp -c attach 2>/dev/null
   exit 0
export -f on_click

terminator -x lftp ftpkemservi &

yad --notification --listen --image="ftp-working18" --text="lFTP en funcionamiento" --command="bash -c on_click" <&3 &

sleep 1

while ps -e -o command | egrep '^lftp ftpkemservi' >/dev/null
    sleep 1

echo quit>$PIPE
rm -f $PIPE
unset -f on_click
unset PIPE
I use ps to determine if a lftp instance exists (foreground or background) and "$(ls -A ~/.lftp/bg)" to determine if it exists a background instance. But this would be more simply if the at-... commands work well.
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