On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:12 PM, SanskritFritz <sanskritfr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:45 PM, SanskritFritz <sanskritfr...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm using lftp to mirror my encfs encrypted pictures collection up to
>> an ftp server. The process was smooth for many months, uploading more
>> than 20 GB to the server. However since lftp version 4.4.1 lftp hangs
>> at a 127 byte file (or any other file for that matter).
>> I'm on archlinux, here is my upgrade log:
>> [2013-01-31 15:21] upgraded lftp (4.4.0-1 -> 4.4.1-1)
>> [2013-02-05 15:23] upgraded lftp (4.4.1-1 -> 4.4.2-1)
>> [2013-02-07 22:13] upgraded lftp (4.4.2-1 -> 4.4.3-1)
>> The last entry in my transfer.log is at 2013-01-31 18:38:09. Most
>> probably there was no reboot beween the first upgrade and this entry.
>> My lftp config is the following:
>> livedrive_sync.lftp:
>> open ftp://myusern...@gmail.com:mypassw...@ftp.livedrive.com
>> mirror --continue --reverse --verbose=3 /Common/Pictures/.Family_encfs
>> /Backup/Common/Pictures/.Family_encfs
>> exit
>> the command I use from cron or manually:
>> lftp -f livedrive_sync.lftp
>> I also make sure from script that only one instance is running.
>> When I start the above command, this is the output:
>> Mirroring directory `,N,0y,npHM3DCiIaBMcM3dj6GZ-2uWp,oSa-gpikM4R5W0'
>> Mirroring directory `,XQ-VO6SpbTgVrGzdoBQwvoBw1lOn1flR7QhWn6HbAwT11'
>> ...snip some more mirrorings...
>> Mirroring directory
>> `066pC4PWtiSpw17jUleYhDY2gEmwP7U9iq8,oPyTbYa4Xhfvm0pTCX1MMh97abSAlI1'
>> Old file 
>> `066pC4PWtiSpw17jUleYhDY2gEmwP7U9iq8,oPyTbYa4Xhfvm0pTCX1MMh97abSAlI1/PQ2dR3XG5bI3,cAL9v5-QZiC'
>> is not removed
>> Old file 
>> `066pC4PWtiSpw17jUleYhDY2gEmwP7U9iq8,oPyTbYa4Xhfvm0pTCX1MMh97abSAlI1/TGucn-6ukN9NT3-ane1QTO3e'
>> is not removed
>> Old file 
>> `066pC4PWtiSpw17jUleYhDY2gEmwP7U9iq8,oPyTbYa4Xhfvm0pTCX1MMh97abSAlI1/uM7OnzdOhlgquW0RXGBk6otW'
>> is not removed
>> Old file 
>> `066pC4PWtiSpw17jUleYhDY2gEmwP7U9iq8,oPyTbYa4Xhfvm0pTCX1MMh97abSAlI1/zGvI41nILsi,72OTPAaYhv1e'
>> is not removed
>> Mirroring directory `0EtqIOBrV4Av19qvpx4lwQJEULjnpOn9CFcHzhoNFOF810'
>> Mirroring directory
>> `0Fv-ZGvYTKKVTRMbHrD-OhKK63NCad-UQR0RbaITwt1ISzM2S1mqBMC72Ra,GdzMeGB'
>> ...snip some more mirrorings...
>> Mirroring directory `43V2pRjgrVNw4JbCpvHXWiQrnB8dM0Rh2jETRsqdAv1ID1'
>> Transferring file
>> `43V2pRjgrVNw4JbCpvHXWiQrnB8dM0Rh2jETRsqdAv1ID1/5liCn6A-ZmHAynHQBW1mnNaj'
>> and there the process hangs. Nethogs shows zero network activity on lftp.
>> The size of the file in question is only 127 bytes:
>> ll 
>> /Common/Pictures/.Family_encfs/43V2pRjgrVNw4JbCpvHXWiQrnB8dM0Rh2jETRsqdAv1ID1/5liCn6A-ZmHAynHQBW1mnNaj
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 sans users 127 2010-09-10 23:32
>> /Common/Pictures/.Family_encfs/43V2pRjgrVNw4JbCpvHXWiQrnB8dM0Rh2jETRsqdAv1ID1/5liCn6A-ZmHAynHQBW1mnNaj
>> --log=FILE tells me that lftp is trying to execute this command:
>> get -O 
>> ftp://myusername%40gmail.com:mypassw...@ftp.livedrive.com/FrankBackup/Common/Pictures/.Family_encfs/43V2pRjgrVNw4JbCpvHXWiQrnB8dM0Rh2jETRsqdAv1ID1
>> file:/Common/Pictures/.Family_encfs/43V2pRjgrVNw4JbCpvHXWiQrnB8dM0Rh2jETRsqdAv1ID1/5liCn6A-ZmHAynHQBW1mnNaj
>> strace gives these 3 lines over and over again:
>> poll([{fd=6, events=POLLIN}], 1, 1000)  = 0 (Timeout)
>> read(6, 0x2145e70, 65536)               = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
>> temporarily unavailable)
>> read(6, 0x2145e70, 65536)               = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
>> temporarily unavailable)
>> It is probably worth to mention that this file is very old, it should
>> have been already up on the server for a very long time, so here is
>> something I don't understand, either the file was deleted server side,
>> or it never got uploaded on the first hand. This theory is supported
>> by transfer.log never mentioning that file. The server side directory
>> is writable, I successfully uploaded the file manually through
>> curlftpfs.
>> Please help me finding the problem, I suspect also a server problem,
>> because curlftpfs also complains sometimes when I copy files. I'm
>> willing to debug, but it was a very long time ago when I last used a
>> debugger.
> Just a quick followup, I downgraded lftp to 4.4.0 and it works
> perfectly. So I guess my comment about the old file not being uploaded
> is not valid. Maybe I have renamed the folder, and so lftp reuploads
> the whole directory.
> Anyway, so version 4.4.0 works all other versions above that do not work here.

Ok, besides of being offended that no one answered to my problem :) I
tried to localize the problem and to my amazement it was magically
solved. Ok, not so magically, I recalled that I didnt reload
everything after the upgrade, so I think there was some dependeny hell
going on. Anyways, thanks for lftp again, all is well on my side.
Am I invisible on this list? :p
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