Hi Guys,

I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 and have been using a script to automatically upload images to my Phocagallery directory in my account.

Below is the basic script:

read -p " Press the [Enter] key continue..."

lftp -c "set ftp:list-options -a;
open -u username,pass -p 18765 sftp://siteground144.com;
lcd $LCD;
cd $RCD;
mirror --reverse \
--verbose \
--exclude-glob a-dir-to-exclude/ \
--exclude-glob a-file-to-exclude \
--exclude-glob a-file-group-to-exclude* \
--exclude-glob other-files-to-exclude"
mv /home/grouchygaijin/Pictures/Phoca_upload/* /media/Elements/"Image Staging"/

Of course in the actual script, I have my username and the real destination path.

The problem is that starting last week, if I click on the launcher I made to run the script I get an error:

delaying before reconnect...

The really weird thing is that if I open a terminal and type the name of the script to run it, about 80% of the time the script will run as it should. The other 20% of the time I get the same delaying before reconnect error.

Do any of you Gurus have an idea of what is happening?
I'd really like to get my script working again.
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