On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 02:06:32PM +0000, Jeremy Matthews wrote:
> I am using lftp in a script. It is an older 4.0.9 version which was installed 
> in an older Fedora version. When the user root is passed to lftp and lftp 
> tries to connect to the FTP server, the FTP server responds with a 530 
> Permission Denied. This is not surprising as root is not normally permitted 
> with FTP. However, lftp does not quit and tries the connection again in 30 
> seconds. This is an issue, because I would like lftp to quit and return an 
> error code. It seems to run indefinitely. In contrast, when using a different 
> user but with an incorrect password and the FTP server responds with a 530 
> Login Incorrect, lftp will stop.

Please check the setting "ftp:retry-530".

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