I am using SFTP (SSH)
Per a suggestion on the list, I tried the following, but same behavior:

set ftp:web-mode true
open -u "username,password" -p 22 sftp://hostname/
put /tmp/test.bin   <- works
put /tmp/test.bin   <- still connects and upload a file

Certainly an unwanted behavior in the environment I'm working in.
Imagine the following scenario:

open -u "username1,password1" -p 22 sftp://site1/   <- works
mput /tmp/site1.*   <- works

open -u "username2,password2" -p 22 sftp://site2/  -< fails
mput /tmp/site2.*   <- since the lat open failed, still connects to site
1 and upload a file, hence high risk.

Interested on how to resolve this, ie how to safely open and close
multiple connections in the same lftp script.
Thanks !

On 1/28/2015 3:09 PM, Szépe Viktor wrote:
> Maybe this helps you
> ftp:web-mode (boolean)
>               disconnect  after  closing  data connection. This can be
> useful for totally broken ftp
>               servers. Default is *false*
> http://lftp.yar.ru/lftp-man.html
> Idézem/Quoting System Administrator <t...@criticalsys.net>:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having an issue understanding the effect of the command *close*, as
>> it seems different than a disconnect.
>> With lftp 4.6.1:
>> open -u "username,password" -p 22 sftp://hostname/
>> ls   <- returns a listing
>> close
>> ls   <- still connects and returns the listing ! I expected this to
>> fail.
>> Could we have an option (-k) to close that would actually disconnect
>> from the connection open previously, this to allow subsequent open
>> commands with no risks.
>> Please let me know if I missed something obvious.
>> Best regards.
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> Szépe Viktor

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