On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 12:02:04AM +0000, Ray wrote:
> I have LFTP Installed on my Thecus NAS which I got from:
> http://forum.thecus.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=5846
> Based on the following I believe there is a bug where the process does not 
> finish:
> ‘lftp 4.4.7 has a bug that causes an endless loop when using the mirror 
> command with sftp. Make sure your version of lftp is higher than 4.4.7.’
> https://whatbox.ca/wiki/lftp
> I would like to upgrade to your latest version but can’t find a way to do 
> it on the Thecus NAS stripped down Linux Version.
> The uname command gives:
> Linux 3.10.47 and BusyBox v1.16.1

BusyBox is just the monolithic binary providing most of userspace tools
like ls, cp, mv, etc. It has nothing to do with the toolchain or platform.

Taking a quick glance at the website for your vendor, it seems possible
to download a cross compilation toolchain for your platform.

Find a machine that's ancient enough to run the cross-compiler, and
compile the libraries that lftp depends on, and then compile lftp.

From my experience, it's possible to get a rather self-contained static
linked lftp binary without too much pain.

As for packaging software for easy installation, you could probably look
at the example modules found on the vendor website.

> I don’t seem to have a package manager is it possible to just replace some 
> binary files, and if not can you help make a ‘.mod’ file for installation, 
> not sure how?
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