Thanks so much. Got a little further but ran into this.

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ lftp
lftp :~> set ftp:ssl-force yes
lftp :~> debug 5
lftp :~> open ftp://<user>@XX.XX.XX.XX -p21201
---- Resolving host address...
---- 1 address found:
lftp <user>@XX.XX.XX.XX:~> ls
---- Connecting to XX.XX.XX.XX (XX.XX.XX.XX) port 21201
<--- 500 OOPS: prctl PR_SET_SECCOMP failed
---> FEAT

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 3:00 AM, Alexander V. Lukyanov <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 01, 2015 at 02:46:16AM -0800, Steven Dennis wrote:
> > lftp :~> open ftps://<user>@XX.XX.XX.XX -p21201
> > **** gnutls_handshake: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
> > ls: Fatal error: gnutls_handshake: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
> ftps expects the connection to be encrypted from the very beginning. Most
> probably you have set up ftp server so that the connection is plain text.
> Use plain ftp:// and "set ftp:ssl-force yes" to make sure you are using
> encrypted connection.
> --
>    Alexander.
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