
I would like to d/l files and folders from a directory on my web server
that have been put there or modified in the last 24 hours.

I have read the man page and came across the --newer-than option.

"For option --newer-than you can either specify a file or time specification
like that used by *at*(1) command, e.g. `now-7days' or `week ago'. If you
specify a file, then modification time of that file will be used."

Can you tell me if this would be correct?

lftp open -u user,pass sftp://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -PXXXX mirror -c --newer-than
24hrs /remote/directory/ /local/directory/

Also can you tell me if there are other time parameters that can be used as
well as the "grammar" that should be used when putting this together?


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