The old URLFoo api is now private, so we can try to shape it up aiming
to have it ready and usable for the 0.8 (that means mid or end summer).

I know that there are people using the low level protocols and they
might help brainstorming.

- They should be chainable (applehttp uses http that uses tcp)
- They should be time and byte seekable
- They could share some common options (e.g. I want to be able set a
  protocol to listen if it is a network one)
- They will need a way to ask group polling and/or to satisfy specific
needs (e.g. rtp/rtsp situation)

Protocols that should be available:
low level
- udp
- tcp
- sctp (being polished a little in a branch on my github)
- dccp (I want it as well hadn't worked on it yet)
- unix socket (posted long ago, pending more polish)

Higher level (use the lower level ones)
- http
- rtp ** (this one is the muddiest)
- rtmp (librtmp and our native one)
- ssl (using an external library?)

strange stuff
- async (e.g. to avoid packets drop and desync in ffmpeg, I'm
considering also having an async chain-demuxer, experiments got posted
already more will come)

I hope that had piqued a bit your interest =)



Luca Barbato

libav-devel mailing list

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