 libavcodec/4xm.c         |  746 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 libavdevice/timefilter.c |   81 +++---
 2 files changed, 428 insertions(+), 399 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/4xm.c b/libavcodec/4xm.c
index 83f0a12..42d6491 100644
--- a/libavcodec/4xm.c
+++ b/libavcodec/4xm.c
@@ -38,74 +38,74 @@
-static const uint8_t block_type_tab[2][4][8][2]={
+static const uint8_t block_type_tab[2][4][8][2] = {
-  {   //{8,4,2}x{8,4,2}
-    { 0,1}, { 2,2}, { 6,3}, {14,4}, {30,5}, {31,5}, { 0,0}
-  },{ //{8,4}x1
-    { 0,1}, { 0,0}, { 2,2}, { 6,3}, {14,4}, {15,4}, { 0,0}
-  },{ //1x{8,4}
-    { 0,1}, { 2,2}, { 0,0}, { 6,3}, {14,4}, {15,4}, { 0,0}
-  },{ //1x2, 2x1
-    { 0,1}, { 0,0}, { 0,0}, { 2,2}, { 6,3}, {14,4}, {15,4}
+  {    //{ 8, 4, 2 }x{ 8, 4, 2}
+     { 0, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { 6, 3 }, { 14, 4 }, { 30, 5 }, { 31, 5 }, { 0, 0 }
+  }, { //{ 8, 4 }x1
+     { 0, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, { 2, 2 }, { 6, 3 }, { 14, 4 }, { 15, 4 }, { 0, 0 }
+  }, { //1x{ 8, 4 }
+     { 0, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { 0, 0 }, { 6, 3 }, { 14, 4 }, { 15, 4 }, { 0, 0 }
+  }, { //1x2, 2x1
+     { 0, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 2, 2 }, { 6, 3 }, { 14, 4 }, { 15, 4 }
- },{
-  {  //{8,4,2}x{8,4,2}
-    { 1,2}, { 4,3}, { 5,3}, {0,2}, {6,3}, {7,3}, {0,0}
-  },{//{8,4}x1
-    { 1,2}, { 0,0}, { 2,2}, {0,2}, {6,3}, {7,3}, {0,0}
-  },{//1x{8,4}
-    { 1,2}, { 2,2}, { 0,0}, {0,2}, {6,3}, {7,3}, {0,0}
-  },{//1x2, 2x1
-    { 1,2}, { 0,0}, { 0,0}, {0,2}, {2,2}, {6,3}, {7,3}
+ }, {
+  {   //{ 8, 4, 2 }x{ 8, 4, 2}
+     { 1, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 5, 3 }, { 0, 2 }, { 6, 3 }, { 7, 3 }, { 0, 0 }
+  }, {//{ 8, 4 }x1
+     { 1, 2 }, { 0, 0 }, { 2, 2 }, { 0, 2 }, { 6, 3 }, { 7, 3 }, { 0, 0 }
+  }, {//1x{ 8, 4 }
+     { 1, 2 }, { 2, 2 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 2 }, { 6, 3 }, { 7, 3 }, { 0, 0 }
+  }, {//1x2, 2x1
+     { 1, 2 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 2 }, { 2, 2 }, { 6, 3 }, { 7, 3 }
-static const uint8_t size2index[4][4]={
-  {-1, 3, 1, 1},
-  { 3, 0, 0, 0},
-  { 2, 0, 0, 0},
-  { 2, 0, 0, 0},
+static const uint8_t size2index[4][4] = {
+  {-1, 3, 1, 1 },
+  { 3, 0, 0, 0 },
+  { 2, 0, 0, 0 },
+  { 2, 0, 0, 0 },
-static const int8_t mv[256][2]={
-{  0,  0},{  0, -1},{ -1,  0},{  1,  0},{  0,  1},{ -1, -1},{  1, -1},{ -1,  
-{  1,  1},{  0, -2},{ -2,  0},{  2,  0},{  0,  2},{ -1, -2},{  1, -2},{ -2, 
-{  2, -1},{ -2,  1},{  2,  1},{ -1,  2},{  1,  2},{ -2, -2},{  2, -2},{ -2,  
-{  2,  2},{  0, -3},{ -3,  0},{  3,  0},{  0,  3},{ -1, -3},{  1, -3},{ -3, 
-{  3, -1},{ -3,  1},{  3,  1},{ -1,  3},{  1,  3},{ -2, -3},{  2, -3},{ -3, 
-{  3, -2},{ -3,  2},{  3,  2},{ -2,  3},{  2,  3},{  0, -4},{ -4,  0},{  4,  
-{  0,  4},{ -1, -4},{  1, -4},{ -4, -1},{  4, -1},{  4,  1},{ -1,  4},{  1,  
-{ -3, -3},{ -3,  3},{  3,  3},{ -2, -4},{ -4, -2},{  4, -2},{ -4,  2},{ -2,  
-{  2,  4},{ -3, -4},{  3, -4},{  4, -3},{ -5,  0},{ -4,  3},{ -3,  4},{  3,  
-{ -1, -5},{ -5, -1},{ -5,  1},{ -1,  5},{ -2, -5},{  2, -5},{  5, -2},{  5,  
-{ -4, -4},{ -4,  4},{ -3, -5},{ -5, -3},{ -5,  3},{  3,  5},{ -6,  0},{  0,  
-{ -6, -1},{ -6,  1},{  1,  6},{  2, -6},{ -6,  2},{  2,  6},{ -5, -4},{  5,  
-{  4,  5},{ -6, -3},{  6,  3},{ -7,  0},{ -1, -7},{  5, -5},{ -7,  1},{ -1,  
-{  4, -6},{  6,  4},{ -2, -7},{ -7,  2},{ -3, -7},{  7, -3},{  3,  7},{  6, 
-{  0, -8},{ -1, -8},{ -7, -4},{ -8,  1},{  4,  7},{  2, -8},{ -2,  8},{  6,  
-{ -8,  3},{  5, -7},{ -5,  7},{  8, -4},{  0, -9},{ -9, -1},{  1,  9},{  7, 
-{ -7,  6},{ -5, -8},{ -5,  8},{ -9,  3},{  9, -4},{  7, -7},{  8, -6},{  6,  
-{ 10,  1},{-10,  2},{  9, -5},{ 10, -3},{ -8, -7},{-10, -4},{  6, -9},{-11,  
-{ 11,  1},{-11, -2},{ -2, 11},{  7, -9},{ -7,  9},{ 10,  6},{ -4, 11},{  8, 
-{  8,  9},{  5, 11},{  7,-10},{ 12, -3},{ 11,  6},{ -9, -9},{  8, 10},{  5, 
-{-11,  7},{ 13,  2},{  6,-12},{ 10,  9},{-11,  8},{ -7, 12},{  0, 14},{ 14, 
-{ -9, 11},{ -6, 13},{-14, -4},{ -5,-14},{  5, 14},{-15, -1},{-14, -6},{  
-{ 11,-11},{ -7, 14},{ -5, 15},{  8,-14},{ 15,  6},{  3, 16},{  7,-15},{-16,  
-{  0, 17},{-16, -6},{-10, 14},{-16,  7},{ 12, 13},{-16,  8},{-17,  6},{-18,  
-{ -7, 17},{ 15, 11},{ 16, 10},{  2,-19},{  3,-19},{-11,-16},{-18,  8},{-19, 
-{  2,-20},{-17,-11},{-10,-18},{  8, 19},{-21, -1},{-20,  7},{ -4, 21},{ 21,  
-{ 15, 16},{  2,-22},{-10,-20},{-22,  5},{ 20,-11},{ -7,-22},{-12, 20},{ 23, 
-{ 13,-20},{ 24, -2},{-15, 19},{-11, 22},{ 16, 19},{ 23,-10},{-18,-18},{ 
-{ 24,-10},{ -3, 26},{-23, 13},{-18,-20},{ 17, 21},{ -4, 27},{ 27,  6},{  
-{-11, 26},{-17,-23},{  7, 28},{ 11,-27},{ 29,  5},{-23,-19},{-28,-11},{-21, 
-{-30,  7},{-17, 26},{-27, 16},{ 13, 29},{ 19,-26},{ 10,-31},{-14,-30},{ 
-{-29, 18},{-16,-31},{-28,-22},{ 21,-30},{-25, 28},{ 26,-29},{ 25,-32},{-32,-32}
+static const int8_t mv[256][2] = {
+{ 0, 0 }, { 0,-1 }, {-1, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, {-1,-1 }, { 1,-1 }, {-1, 1 },
+{ 1, 1 }, { 0,-2 }, {-2, 0 }, { 2, 0 }, { 0, 2 }, {-1,-2 }, { 1,-2 }, {-2,-1 },
+{ 2,-1 }, {-2, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, {-1, 2 }, { 1, 2 }, {-2,-2 }, { 2,-2 }, {-2, 2 },
+{ 2, 2 }, { 0,-3 }, {-3, 0 }, { 3, 0 }, { 0, 3 }, {-1,-3 }, { 1,-3 }, {-3,-1 },
+{ 3,-1 }, {-3, 1 }, { 3, 1 }, {-1, 3 }, { 1, 3 }, {-2,-3 }, { 2,-3 }, {-3,-2 },
+{ 3,-2 }, {-3, 2 }, { 3, 2 }, {-2, 3 }, { 2, 3 }, { 0,-4 }, {-4, 0 }, { 4, 0 },
+{ 0, 4 }, {-1,-4 }, { 1,-4 }, {-4,-1 }, { 4,-1 }, { 4, 1 }, {-1, 4 }, { 1, 4 },
+{-3,-3 }, {-3, 3 }, { 3, 3 }, {-2,-4 }, {-4,-2 }, { 4,-2 }, {-4, 2 }, {-2, 4 },
+{ 2, 4 }, {-3,-4 }, { 3,-4 }, { 4,-3 }, {-5, 0 }, {-4, 3 }, {-3, 4 }, { 3, 4 },
+{-1,-5 }, {-5,-1 }, {-5, 1 }, {-1, 5 }, {-2,-5 }, { 2,-5 }, { 5,-2 }, { 5, 2 },
+{-4,-4 }, {-4, 4 }, {-3,-5 }, {-5,-3 }, {-5, 3 }, { 3, 5 }, {-6, 0 }, { 0, 6 },
+{-6,-1 }, {-6, 1 }, { 1, 6 }, { 2,-6 }, {-6, 2 }, { 2, 6 }, {-5,-4 }, { 5, 4 },
+{ 4, 5 }, {-6,-3 }, { 6, 3 }, {-7, 0 }, {-1,-7 }, { 5,-5 }, {-7, 1 }, {-1, 7 },
+{ 4,-6 }, { 6, 4 }, {-2,-7 }, {-7, 2 }, {-3,-7 }, { 7,-3 }, { 3, 7 }, { 6,-5 },
+{ 0,-8 }, {-1,-8 }, {-7,-4 }, {-8, 1 }, { 4, 7 }, { 2,-8 }, {-2, 8 }, { 6, 6 },
+{-8, 3 }, { 5,-7 }, {-5, 7 }, { 8,-4 }, { 0,-9 }, {-9,-1 }, { 1, 9 }, { 7,-6 },
+{-7, 6 }, {-5,-8 }, {-5, 8 }, {-9, 3 }, { 9,-4 }, { 7,-7 }, { 8,-6 }, { 6, 8 },
+{ 10, 1 }, {-10, 2 }, { 9,-5 }, { 10,-3 }, {-8,-7 }, {-10,-4 }, { 6,-9 }, 
{-11, 0 },
+{ 11, 1 }, {-11,-2 }, {-2, 11 }, { 7,-9 }, {-7, 9 }, { 10, 6 }, {-4, 11 }, { 
8,-9 },
+{ 8, 9 }, { 5, 11 }, { 7,-10 }, { 12,-3 }, { 11, 6 }, {-9,-9 }, { 8, 10 }, { 
5, 12 },
+{-11, 7 }, { 13, 2 }, { 6,-12 }, { 10, 9 }, {-11, 8 }, {-7, 12 }, { 0, 14 }, { 
14,-2 },
+{-9, 11 }, {-6, 13 }, {-14,-4 }, {-5,-14 }, { 5, 14 }, {-15,-1 }, {-14,-6 }, { 
3,-15 },
+{ 11,-11 }, {-7, 14 }, {-5, 15 }, { 8,-14 }, { 15, 6 }, { 3, 16 }, { 7,-15 }, 
{-16, 5 },
+{ 0, 17 }, {-16,-6 }, {-10, 14 }, {-16, 7 }, { 12, 13 }, {-16, 8 }, {-17, 6 }, 
{-18, 3 },
+{-7, 17 }, { 15, 11 }, { 16, 10 }, { 2,-19 }, { 3,-19 }, {-11,-16 }, {-18, 8 
}, {-19,-6 },
+{ 2,-20 }, {-17,-11 }, {-10,-18 }, { 8, 19 }, {-21,-1 }, {-20, 7 }, {-4, 21 }, 
{ 21, 5 },
+{ 15, 16 }, { 2,-22 }, {-10,-20 }, {-22, 5 }, { 20,-11 }, {-7,-22 }, {-12, 20 
}, { 23,-5 },
+{ 13,-20 }, { 24,-2 }, {-15, 19 }, {-11, 22 }, { 16, 19 }, { 23,-10 }, 
{-18,-18 }, {-9,-24 },
+{ 24,-10 }, {-3, 26 }, {-23, 13 }, {-18,-20 }, { 17, 21 }, {-4, 27 }, { 27, 6 
}, { 1,-28 },
+{-11, 26 }, {-17,-23 }, { 7, 28 }, { 11,-27 }, { 29, 5 }, {-23,-19 }, {-28,-11 
}, {-21, 22 },
+{-30, 7 }, {-17, 26 }, {-27, 16 }, { 13, 29 }, { 19,-26 }, { 10,-31 }, 
{-14,-30 }, { 20,-27 },
+{-29, 18 }, {-16,-31 }, {-28,-22 }, { 21,-30 }, {-25, 28 }, { 26,-29 }, { 
25,-32 }, {-32,-32 }
 // this is simply the scaled down elementwise product of the standard jpeg 
quantizer table and the AAN premul table
-static const uint8_t dequant_table[64]={
+static const uint8_t dequant_table[64] = {
  16, 15, 13, 19, 24, 31, 28, 17,
  17, 23, 25, 31, 36, 63, 45, 21,
  18, 24, 27, 37, 52, 59, 49, 20,
@@ -113,20 +113,20 @@ static const uint8_t dequant_table[64]={
  18, 31, 48, 66, 68, 86, 56, 21,
  19, 38, 56, 59, 64, 64, 48, 20,
  27, 48, 55, 55, 56, 51, 35, 15,
- 20, 35, 34, 32, 31, 22, 15,  8,
+ 20, 35, 34, 32, 31, 22, 15, 8,
 static VLC block_type_vlc[2][4];
-typedef struct CFrameBuffer{
+typedef struct CFrameBuffer {
     unsigned int allocated_size;
     unsigned int size;
     int id;
     uint8_t *data;
+} CFrameBuffer;
-typedef struct FourXContext{
+typedef struct FourXContext {
     AVCodecContext *avctx;
     DSPContext dsp;
     AVFrame current_picture, last_picture;
@@ -145,41 +145,42 @@ typedef struct FourXContext{
 } FourXContext;
-#define FIX_1_082392200  70936
-#define FIX_1_414213562  92682
+#define FIX_1_082392200 70936
+#define FIX_1_414213562 92682
 #define FIX_1_847759065 121095
 #define FIX_2_613125930 171254
-#define MULTIPLY(var,const)  (((var)*(const)) >> 16)
+#define MULTIPLY(var, const) (((var) * (const)) >> 16)
-static void idct(DCTELEM block[64]){
+static void idct(DCTELEM block[64])
     int tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7;
     int tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
     int z5, z10, z11, z12, z13;
     int i;
     int temp[64];
-    for(i=0; i<8; i++){
-        tmp10 = block[8*0 + i] + block[8*4 + i];
-        tmp11 = block[8*0 + i] - block[8*4 + i];
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        tmp10 = block[8 * 0 + i] + block[8 * 4 + i];
+        tmp11 = block[8 * 0 + i] - block[8 * 4 + i];
-        tmp13 =          block[8*2 + i] + block[8*6 + i];
-        tmp12 = MULTIPLY(block[8*2 + i] - block[8*6 + i], FIX_1_414213562) - 
+        tmp13 = block[8 * 2 + i] + block[8 * 6 + i];
+        tmp12 = MULTIPLY(block[8 * 2 + i] - block[8 * 6 + i], FIX_1_414213562) 
- tmp13;
         tmp0 = tmp10 + tmp13;
         tmp3 = tmp10 - tmp13;
         tmp1 = tmp11 + tmp12;
         tmp2 = tmp11 - tmp12;
-        z13 = block[8*5 + i] + block[8*3 + i];
-        z10 = block[8*5 + i] - block[8*3 + i];
-        z11 = block[8*1 + i] + block[8*7 + i];
-        z12 = block[8*1 + i] - block[8*7 + i];
+        z13 = block[8 * 5 + i] + block[8 * 3 + i];
+        z10 = block[8 * 5 + i] - block[8 * 3 + i];
+        z11 = block[8 * 1 + i] + block[8 * 7 + i];
+        z12 = block[8 * 1 + i] - block[8 * 7 + i];
-        tmp7  =          z11 + z13;
+        tmp7 = z11 + z13;
         tmp11 = MULTIPLY(z11 - z13, FIX_1_414213562);
-        z5    = MULTIPLY(z10 + z12, FIX_1_847759065);
+        z5 = MULTIPLY(z10 + z12, FIX_1_847759065);
         tmp10 = MULTIPLY(z12, FIX_1_082392200) - z5;
         tmp12 = MULTIPLY(z10, - FIX_2_613125930) + z5;
@@ -187,17 +188,17 @@ static void idct(DCTELEM block[64]){
         tmp5 = tmp11 - tmp6;
         tmp4 = tmp10 + tmp5;
-        temp[8*0 + i] = tmp0 + tmp7;
-        temp[8*7 + i] = tmp0 - tmp7;
-        temp[8*1 + i] = tmp1 + tmp6;
-        temp[8*6 + i] = tmp1 - tmp6;
-        temp[8*2 + i] = tmp2 + tmp5;
-        temp[8*5 + i] = tmp2 - tmp5;
-        temp[8*4 + i] = tmp3 + tmp4;
-        temp[8*3 + i] = tmp3 - tmp4;
+        temp[8 * 0 + i] = tmp0 + tmp7;
+        temp[8 * 7 + i] = tmp0 - tmp7;
+        temp[8 * 1 + i] = tmp1 + tmp6;
+        temp[8 * 6 + i] = tmp1 - tmp6;
+        temp[8 * 2 + i] = tmp2 + tmp5;
+        temp[8 * 5 + i] = tmp2 - tmp5;
+        temp[8 * 4 + i] = tmp3 + tmp4;
+        temp[8 * 3 + i] = tmp3 - tmp4;
-    for(i=0; i<8*8; i+=8){
+    for (i = 0; i < 8 * 8; i += 8) {
         tmp10 = temp[0 + i] + temp[4 + i];
         tmp11 = temp[0 + i] - temp[4 + i];
@@ -225,38 +226,40 @@ static void idct(DCTELEM block[64]){
         tmp5 = tmp11 - tmp6;
         tmp4 = tmp10 + tmp5;
-        block[0 + i] = (tmp0 + tmp7)>>6;
-        block[7 + i] = (tmp0 - tmp7)>>6;
-        block[1 + i] = (tmp1 + tmp6)>>6;
-        block[6 + i] = (tmp1 - tmp6)>>6;
-        block[2 + i] = (tmp2 + tmp5)>>6;
-        block[5 + i] = (tmp2 - tmp5)>>6;
-        block[4 + i] = (tmp3 + tmp4)>>6;
-        block[3 + i] = (tmp3 - tmp4)>>6;
+        block[0 + i] = (tmp0 + tmp7) >> 6;
+        block[7 + i] = (tmp0 - tmp7) >> 6;
+        block[1 + i] = (tmp1 + tmp6) >> 6;
+        block[6 + i] = (tmp1 - tmp6) >> 6;
+        block[2 + i] = (tmp2 + tmp5) >> 6;
+        block[5 + i] = (tmp2 - tmp5) >> 6;
+        block[4 + i] = (tmp3 + tmp4) >> 6;
+        block[3 + i] = (tmp3 - tmp4) >> 6;
-static av_cold void init_vlcs(FourXContext *f){
+static av_cold void init_vlcs(FourXContext *f)
     static VLC_TYPE table[8][32][2];
     int i;
-    for(i=0; i<8; i++){
-        block_type_vlc[0][i].table= table[i];
-        block_type_vlc[0][i].table_allocated= 32;
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        block_type_vlc[0][i].table = table[i];
+        block_type_vlc[0][i].table_allocated = 32;
         init_vlc(&block_type_vlc[0][i], BLOCK_TYPE_VLC_BITS, 7,
                  &block_type_tab[0][i][0][1], 2, 1,
                  &block_type_tab[0][i][0][0], 2, 1, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC);
-static void init_mv(FourXContext *f){
+static void init_mv(FourXContext *f)
     int i;
-    for(i=0; i<256; i++){
-        if(f->version>1)
-            f->mv[i] = mv[i][0]   + mv[i][1]  
+    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+        if (f->version > 1)
+            f->mv[i] = mv[i][0] + mv[i][1] * f->current_picture.linesize[0] / 
-            f->mv[i] = (i&15) - 8 + 
+            f->mv[i] = (i & 15) - 8 + ((i >> 4) - 8) * 
f->current_picture.linesize[0] / 2;
@@ -264,9 +267,9 @@ static void init_mv(FourXContext *f){
 #define LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst, src, scale, dc) \
     { \
         unsigned tmpval = AV_RN32(src);                 \
-        tmpval = (tmpval <<  16) | (tmpval >>  16);     \
+        tmpval = (tmpval << 16) | (tmpval >>  16);     \
         tmpval = tmpval * (scale) + (dc);               \
-        tmpval = (tmpval <<  16) | (tmpval >>  16);     \
+        tmpval = (tmpval << 16) | (tmpval >>  16);     \
         AV_WN32A(dst, tmpval);                          \
@@ -277,40 +280,45 @@ static void init_mv(FourXContext *f){
-static inline void mcdc(uint16_t *dst, uint16_t *src, int log2w, int h, int 
stride, int scale, unsigned dc){
+static inline void mcdc(uint16_t *dst, uint16_t *src, int log2w, int h, int 
stride, int scale, unsigned dc)
    int i;
-   dc*= 0x10001;
+   dc *= 0x10001;
-   switch(log2w){
+   switch(log2w) {
    case 0:
-        for(i=0; i<h; i++){
-            dst[0] = scale*src[0] + dc;
-            if(scale) src += stride;
+        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+            dst[0] = scale * src[0] + dc;
+            if (scale)
+                src += stride;
             dst += stride;
     case 1:
-        for(i=0; i<h; i++){
+        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
             LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst, src, scale, dc);
-            if(scale) src += stride;
+            if (scale)
+                src += stride;
             dst += stride;
     case 2:
-        for(i=0; i<h; i++){
-            LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst,     src,     scale, dc);
+        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+            LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst, src, scale, dc);
             LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst + 2, src + 2, scale, dc);
-            if(scale) src += stride;
+            if (scale)
+                src += stride;
             dst += stride;
     case 3:
-        for(i=0; i<h; i++){
-            LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst,     src,     scale, dc);
+        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+            LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst, src, scale, dc);
             LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst + 2, src + 2, scale, dc);
             LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst + 4, src + 4, scale, dc);
             LE_CENTRIC_MUL(dst + 6, src + 6, scale, dc);
-            if(scale) src += stride;
+            if (scale)
+                src += stride;
             dst += stride;
@@ -318,103 +326,104 @@ static inline void mcdc(uint16_t *dst, uint16_t *src, 
int log2w, int h, int stri
-static void decode_p_block(FourXContext *f, uint16_t *dst, uint16_t *src, int 
log2w, int log2h, int stride){
-    const int index= size2index[log2h][log2w];
-    const int h= 1<<log2h;
-    int code= get_vlc2(&f->gb, block_type_vlc[1-(f->version>1)][index].table, 
-    uint16_t *start= (uint16_t*)f->last_picture.data[0];
-    uint16_t *end= start + stride*(f->avctx->height-h+1) - (1<<log2w);
+static void decode_p_block(FourXContext *f, uint16_t *dst, uint16_t *src, int 
log2w, int log2h, int stride)
+    const int index = size2index[log2h][log2w];
+    const int h = 1 << log2h;
+    int code = get_vlc2(&f->gb, block_type_vlc[1 - (f->version > 
1)][index].table, BLOCK_TYPE_VLC_BITS, 1);
+    uint16_t *start = (uint16_t *)f->last_picture.data[0];
+    uint16_t *end = start + stride * (f->avctx->height-h + 1) - (1 << log2w);
-    assert(code>=0 && code<=6);
+    assert(code >= 0 && code <= 6);
-    if(code == 0){
+    if (code == 0) {
         src += f->mv[bytestream2_get_byte(&f->g)];
-        if(start > src || src > end){
+        if (start > src || src > end) {
             av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "mv out of pic\n");
         mcdc(dst, src, log2w, h, stride, 1, 0);
-    }else if(code == 1){
+    } else if (code == 1) {
-        decode_p_block(f, dst                  , src                  , log2w, 
log2h, stride);
-        decode_p_block(f, dst + (stride<<log2h), src + (stride<<log2h), log2w, 
log2h, stride);
-    }else if(code == 2){
+        decode_p_block(f, dst, src, log2w, log2h, stride);
+        decode_p_block(f, dst + (stride << log2h), src + (stride << log2h), 
log2w, log2h, stride);
+    } else if (code == 2) {
-        decode_p_block(f, dst             , src             , log2w, log2h, 
-        decode_p_block(f, dst + (1<<log2w), src + (1<<log2w), log2w, log2h, 
-    }else if(code == 3 && f->version<2){
+        decode_p_block(f, dst , src, log2w, log2h, stride);
+        decode_p_block(f, dst + (1 << log2w), src + (1 << log2w), log2w, 
log2h, stride);
+    } else if (code == 3 && f->version < 2) {
         mcdc(dst, src, log2w, h, stride, 1, 0);
-    }else if(code == 4){
+    } else if (code == 4) {
         src += f->mv[bytestream2_get_byte(&f->g)];
-        if(start > src || src > end){
+        if (start > src || src > end) {
             av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "mv out of pic\n");
         mcdc(dst, src, log2w, h, stride, 1, bytestream2_get_le16(&f->g2));
-    }else if(code == 5){
+    } else if (code == 5) {
         mcdc(dst, src, log2w, h, stride, 0, bytestream2_get_le16(&f->g2));
-    }else if(code == 6){
-        if(log2w){
+    } else if (code == 6) {
+        if (log2w) {
             dst[0] = bytestream2_get_le16(&f->g2);
             dst[1] = bytestream2_get_le16(&f->g2);
-        }else{
-            dst[0     ] = bytestream2_get_le16(&f->g2);
+        } else {
+            dst[0] = bytestream2_get_le16(&f->g2);
             dst[stride] = bytestream2_get_le16(&f->g2);
-static int decode_p_frame(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t *buf, int length){
+static int decode_p_frame(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t *buf, int length)
     int x, y;
-    const int width= f->avctx->width;
-    const int height= f->avctx->height;
-    uint16_t *src= (uint16_t*)f->last_picture.data[0];
-    uint16_t *dst= (uint16_t*)f->current_picture.data[0];
-    const int stride= f->current_picture.linesize[0]>>1;
+    const int width = f->avctx->width;
+    const int heigh t= f->avctx->height;
+    uint16_t *src = (uint16_t *)f->last_picture.data[0];
+    uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)f->current_picture.data[0];
+    const int stride = f->current_picture.linesize[0] >> 1;
     unsigned int bitstream_size, bytestream_size, wordstream_size, extra, 
bytestream_offset, wordstream_offset;
-    if(f->version>1){
-        extra=20;
-        bitstream_size= AV_RL32(buf+8);
-        wordstream_size= AV_RL32(buf+12);
-        bytestream_size= AV_RL32(buf+16);
-    }else{
-        extra=0;
-        bitstream_size = AV_RL16(buf-4);
-        wordstream_size= AV_RL16(buf-2);
-        bytestream_size= FFMAX(length - bitstream_size - wordstream_size, 0);
+    if (f->version > 1) {
+        extra = 20;
+        bitstream_size = AV_RL32(buf + 8);
+        wordstream_size = AV_RL32(buf + 12);
+        bytestream_size = AV_RL32(buf + 16);
+    } else {
+        extra = 0;
+        bitstream_size = AV_RL16(buf - 4);
+        wordstream_size = AV_RL16(buf - 2);
+        bytestream_size = FFMAX(length - bitstream_size - wordstream_size, 0);
-    if(bitstream_size+ bytestream_size+ wordstream_size + extra != length
-       || bitstream_size  > (1<<26)
-       || bytestream_size > (1<<26)
-       || wordstream_size > (1<<26)
-       ){
+    if (bitstream_size + bytestream_size + wordstream_size + extra != length
+       || bitstream_size > (1 << 26)
+       || bytestream_size > (1 << 26)
+       || wordstream_size > (1 << 26)) {
         av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "lengths %d %d %d %d\n", 
bitstream_size, bytestream_size, wordstream_size,
-        bitstream_size+ bytestream_size+ wordstream_size - length);
+        bitstream_size + bytestream_size + wordstream_size - length);
         return -1;
     av_fast_malloc(&f->bitstream_buffer, &f->bitstream_buffer_size, 
     if (!f->bitstream_buffer)
         return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
-    f->dsp.bswap_buf(f->bitstream_buffer, (const uint32_t*)(buf + extra), 
+    f->dsp.bswap_buf(f->bitstream_buffer, (const uint32_t*)(buf + extra), 
bitstream_size / 4);
     memset((uint8_t*)f->bitstream_buffer + bitstream_size, 0, 
-    init_get_bits(&f->gb, f->bitstream_buffer, 8*bitstream_size);
+    init_get_bits(&f->gb, f->bitstream_buffer, 8 * bitstream_size);
     wordstream_offset = extra + bitstream_size;
     bytestream_offset = extra + bitstream_size + wordstream_size;
     bytestream2_init(&f->g2, buf + wordstream_offset, length - 
-    bytestream2_init(&f->g,  buf + bytestream_offset, length - 
+    bytestream2_init(&f->g, buf + bytestream_offset, length - 
-    for(y=0; y<height; y+=8){
-        for(x=0; x<width; x+=8){
+    for (y = 0; y < height; y += 8) {
+        for (x = 0; x < width; x += 8) {
             decode_p_block(f, dst + x, src + x, 3, 3, stride);
-        src += 8*stride;
-        dst += 8*stride;
+        src += 8 * stride;
+        dst += 8 * stride;
     return 0;
@@ -424,16 +433,17 @@ static int decode_p_frame(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t 
*buf, int length){
  * decode block and dequantize.
  * Note this is almost identical to MJPEG.
-static int decode_i_block(FourXContext *f, DCTELEM *block){
+static int decode_i_block(FourXContext *f, DCTELEM *block)
     int code, i, j, level, val;
     /* DC coef */
     val = get_vlc2(&f->pre_gb, f->pre_vlc.table, ACDC_VLC_BITS, 3);
-    if (val>>4){
+    if (val >> 4) {
         av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "error dc run != 0\n");
-    if(val)
+    if (val)
         val = get_xbits(&f->gb, val);
     val = val * dequant_table[0] + f->last_dc;
@@ -441,7 +451,7 @@ static int decode_i_block(FourXContext *f, DCTELEM *block){
     block[0] = val;
     /* AC coefs */
     i = 1;
-    for(;;) {
+    for (; ; ) {
         code = get_vlc2(&f->pre_gb, f->pre_vlc.table, ACDC_VLC_BITS, 3);
         /* EOB */
@@ -468,64 +478,68 @@ static int decode_i_block(FourXContext *f, DCTELEM 
     return 0;
-static inline void idct_put(FourXContext *f, int x, int y){
-    DCTELEM (*block)[64]= f->block;
-    int stride= f->current_picture.linesize[0]>>1;
+static inline void idct_put(FourXContext *f, int x, int y)
+    DCTELEM (*block)[64] = f->block;
+    int stride = f->current_picture.linesize[0] >> 1;
     int i;
     uint16_t *dst = ((uint16_t*)f->current_picture.data[0]) + y * stride + x;
-    for(i=0; i<4; i++){
-        block[i][0] += 0x80*8*8;
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+        block[i][0] += 0x80 * 8 * 8;
-    if(!(f->avctx->flags&CODEC_FLAG_GRAY)){
-        for(i=4; i<6; i++) idct(block[i]);
+    if (!(f->avctx->flags&CODEC_FLAG_GRAY)) {
+        for (i = 4; i < 6; i++)
+            idct(block[i]);
 /* Note transform is:
-y= ( 1b + 4g + 2r)/14
-cb=( 3b - 2g - 1r)/14
-cr=(-1b - 4g + 5r)/14
+y  = ( 1b + 4g + 2r) / 14
+cb = ( 3b - 2g - 1r) / 14
+cr = (-1b - 4g + 5r) / 14
-    for(y=0; y<8; y++){
-        for(x=0; x<8; x++){
-            DCTELEM *temp= block[(x>>2) + 2*(y>>2)] + 2*(x&3) + 2*8*(y&3); 
//FIXME optimize
-            int cb= block[4][x + 8*y];
-            int cr= block[5][x + 8*y];
-            int cg= (cb + cr)>>1;
+    for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
+        for (x=0; x < 8; x++) {
+            DCTELEM *temp = block[(x >> 2) + 2 * (y >> 2)] + 2 * (x & 3) + 2 * 
8 * (y & 3); //FIXME optimize
+            int cb = block[4][x + 8 * y];
+            int cr = block[5][x + 8 * y];
+            int cg = (cb + cr) >> 1;
             int y;
-            cb+=cb;
+            cb += cb;
             y = temp[0];
-            dst[0       ]= ((y+cb)>>3) + (((y-cg)&0xFC)<<3) + 
+            dst[0] = ((y + cb) >> 3) + (((y - cg) & 0xFC) << 3) + (((y + cr) & 
0xF8) << 8);
             y = temp[1];
-            dst[1       ]= ((y+cb)>>3) + (((y-cg)&0xFC)<<3) + 
+            dst[1] = ((y + cb) >> 3) + (((y - cg) & 0xFC) << 3) + (((y + cr) & 
0xF8) << 8);
             y = temp[8];
-            dst[  stride]= ((y+cb)>>3) + (((y-cg)&0xFC)<<3) + 
+            dst[stride] = ((y + cb) >> 3) + (((y - cg) & 0xFC) << 3) + (((y + 
cr) & 0xF8) << 8);
             y = temp[9];
-            dst[1+stride]= ((y+cb)>>3) + (((y-cg)&0xFC)<<3) + 
+            dst[1 + stride] = ((y + cb) >> 3) + (((y - cg) & 0xFC) << 3) + 
(((y + cr) & 0xF8) << 8);
             dst += 2;
-        dst += 2*stride - 2*8;
+        dst += 2 * stride - 2 * 8;
-static int decode_i_mb(FourXContext *f){
+static int decode_i_mb(FourXContext *f)
     int i;
-    for(i=0; i<6; i++){
-        if(decode_i_block(f, f->block[i]) < 0)
+    for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+        if (decode_i_block(f, f->block[i]) < 0)
             return -1;
     return 0;
-static const uint8_t *read_huffman_tables(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t * 
const buf){
+static const uint8_t *read_huffman_tables(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t * 
const buf)
     int frequency[512];
     uint8_t flag[512];
     int up[512];
@@ -538,61 +552,65 @@ static const uint8_t *read_huffman_tables(FourXContext 
*f, const uint8_t * const
     memset(frequency, 0, sizeof(frequency));
     memset(up, -1, sizeof(up));
-    start= *ptr++;
-    end= *ptr++;
-    for(;;){
+    start = *ptr++;
+    end   = *ptr++;
+    for (; ; ) {
         int i;
-        for(i=start; i<=end; i++){
-            frequency[i]= *ptr++;
+        for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
+            frequency[i] = *ptr++;
-        start= *ptr++;
-        if(start==0) break;
+        start = *ptr++;
+        if (start == 0)
+            break;
-        end= *ptr++;
+        end = *ptr++;
-    frequency[256]=1;
+    frequency[256] = 1;
-    while((ptr - buf)&3) ptr++; // 4byte align
+    while ((ptr - buf) & 3) ptr++; // 4byte align
-    for(j=257; j<512; j++){
-        int min_freq[2]= {256*256, 256*256};
-        int smallest[2]= {0, 0};
+    for (j = 257; j < 512; j++) {
+        int min_freq[2] = { 256 * 256, 256 * 256 };
+        int smallest[2] = { 0, 0 };
         int i;
-        for(i=0; i<j; i++){
-            if(frequency[i] == 0) continue;
-            if(frequency[i] < min_freq[1]){
-                if(frequency[i] < min_freq[0]){
-                    min_freq[1]= min_freq[0]; smallest[1]= smallest[0];
-                    min_freq[0]= frequency[i];smallest[0]= i;
-                }else{
-                    min_freq[1]= frequency[i];smallest[1]= i;
+        for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
+            if (frequency[i] == 0)
+                continue;
+            if (frequency[i] < min_freq[1]) {
+                if (frequency[i] < min_freq[0]) {
+                    min_freq[1] = min_freq[0]; smallest[1]= smallest[0];
+                    min_freq[0] = frequency[i];smallest[0]= i;
+                } else {
+                    min_freq[1] = frequency[i];smallest[1]= i;
-        if(min_freq[1] == 256*256) break;
-        frequency[j]= min_freq[0] + min_freq[1];
-        flag[ smallest[0] ]= 0;
-        flag[ smallest[1] ]= 1;
-        up[ smallest[0] ]=
-        up[ smallest[1] ]= j;
-        frequency[ smallest[0] ]= frequency[ smallest[1] ]= 0;
+        if (min_freq[1] == 256 * 256)
+            break;
+        frequency[j] = min_freq[0] + min_freq[1];
+        flag[ smallest[0] ] = 0;
+        flag[ smallest[1] ] = 1;
+        up[ smallest[0] ] =
+        up[ smallest[1] ] = j;
+        frequency[ smallest[0] ] = frequency[ smallest[1] ] = 0;
-    for(j=0; j<257; j++){
+    for (j = 0; j < 257; j++) {
         int node;
-        int len=0;
-        int bits=0;
+        int len = 0;
+        int bits = 0;
-        for(node= j; up[node] != -1; node= up[node]){
-            bits += flag[node]<<len;
+        for (node = j; up[node] != -1; node = up[node]) {
+            bits += flag[node] << len;
-            if(len > 31) av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "vlc length 
overflow\n"); //can this happen at all ?
+            if (len > 31)
+                av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "vlc length overflow\n"); //can 
this happen at all ?
-        bits_tab[j]= bits;
-        len_tab[j]= len;
+        bits_tab[j] = bits;
+        len_tab[j] = len;
     if (init_vlc(&f->pre_vlc, ACDC_VLC_BITS, 257,
@@ -603,54 +621,59 @@ static const uint8_t *read_huffman_tables(FourXContext 
*f, const uint8_t * const
     return ptr;
-static int mix(int c0, int c1){
-    int blue = 2*(c0&0x001F) + (c1&0x001F);
-    int green= (2*(c0&0x03E0) + (c1&0x03E0))>>5;
-    int red  = 2*(c0>>10) + (c1>>10);
-    return red/3*1024 + green/3*32 + blue/3;
+static int mix(int c0, int c1)
+    int blue = 2 * (c0 & 0x001F) + (c1 & 0x001F);
+    int green = (2 * (c0 & 0x03E0) + (c1 & 0x03E0)) >> 5;
+    int red = 2 * (c0 >> 10) + (c1 >> 10);
+    return red / 3 * 1024 + green / 3 * 32 + blue / 3;
-static int decode_i2_frame(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t *buf, int length){
+static int decode_i2_frame(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t *buf, int length)
     int x, y, x2, y2;
-    const int width= f->avctx->width;
-    const int height= f->avctx->height;
-    uint16_t *dst= (uint16_t*)f->current_picture.data[0];
-    const int stride= f->current_picture.linesize[0]>>1;
+    const int width = f->avctx->width;
+    const int height = f->avctx->height;
+    uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t*)f->current_picture.data[0];
+    const int stride = f->current_picture.linesize[0]>>1;
-    for(y=0; y<height; y+=16){
-        for(x=0; x<width; x+=16){
+    for (y = 0; y < height; y += 16) {
+        for (x = 0; x < width; x += 16) {
             unsigned int color[4], bits;
             memset(color, 0, sizeof(color));
 //warning following is purely guessed ...
-            color[0]= bytestream_get_le16(&buf);
-            color[1]= bytestream_get_le16(&buf);
-            if(color[0]&0x8000) av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unk bit 1\n");
-            if(color[1]&0x8000) av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unk bit 2\n");
-            color[2]= mix(color[0], color[1]);
-            color[3]= mix(color[1], color[0]);
-            bits= bytestream_get_le32(&buf);
-            for(y2=0; y2<16; y2++){
-                for(x2=0; x2<16; x2++){
-                    int index= 2*(x2>>2) + 8*(y2>>2);
-                    dst[y2*stride+x2]= color[(bits>>index)&3];
+            color[0] = bytestream_get_le16(&buf);
+            color[1] = bytestream_get_le16(&buf);
+            if (color[0] & 0x8000)
+                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unk bit 1\n");
+            if (color[1] & 0x8000)
+                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unk bit 2\n");
+            color[2] = mix(color[0], color[1]);
+            color[3] = mix(color[1], color[0]);
+            bits = bytestream_get_le32(&buf);
+            for ( y2 = 0; y2 < 16; y2++) {
+                for (x2 = 0; x2 < 16; x2++) {
+                    int index = 2 * (x2 >> 2) + 8 * (y2 >> 2);
+                    dst[y2 * stride + x2]= color[(bits >> index) & 3];
-            dst+=16;
+            dst += 16;
-        dst += 16*stride - width;
+        dst += 16 * stride - width;
     return 0;
-static int decode_i_frame(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t *buf, int length){
+static int decode_i_frame(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t *buf, int length)
     int x, y;
-    const int width= f->avctx->width;
-    const int height= f->avctx->height;
-    const unsigned int bitstream_size= AV_RL32(buf);
+    const int width = f->avctx->width;
+    const int height = f->avctx->height;
+    const unsigned int bitstream_size = AV_RL32(buf);
     int token_count av_unused;
     unsigned int prestream_size;
     const uint8_t *prestream;
@@ -660,42 +683,42 @@ static int decode_i_frame(FourXContext *f, const uint8_t 
*buf, int length){
         return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
-    token_count    = AV_RL32(buf + bitstream_size + 8);
+    token_count = AV_RL32(buf + bitstream_size + 8);
     prestream_size = 4 * AV_RL32(buf + bitstream_size + 4);
-    prestream      = buf + bitstream_size + 12;
+    prestream = buf + bitstream_size + 12;
-    if(prestream_size + bitstream_size + 12 != length
-       || bitstream_size > (1<<26)
-       || prestream_size > (1<<26)){
+    if (prestream_size + bitstream_size + 12 != length
+       || bitstream_size > (1 << 26)
+       || prestream_size > (1 << 26)) {
         av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "size mismatch %d %d %d\n", 
prestream_size, bitstream_size, length);
         return -1;
-    prestream= read_huffman_tables(f, prestream);
+    prestream = read_huffman_tables(f, prestream);
-    init_get_bits(&f->gb, buf + 4, 8*bitstream_size);
+    init_get_bits(&f->gb, buf + 4, 8 * bitstream_size);
-    prestream_size= length + buf - prestream;
+    prestream_size = length + buf - prestream;
     av_fast_malloc(&f->bitstream_buffer, &f->bitstream_buffer_size, 
     if (!f->bitstream_buffer)
         return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
-    f->dsp.bswap_buf(f->bitstream_buffer, (const uint32_t*)prestream, 
+    f->dsp.bswap_buf(f->bitstream_buffer, (const uint32_t*)prestream, 
prestream_size / 4);
     memset((uint8_t*)f->bitstream_buffer + prestream_size, 0, 
-    init_get_bits(&f->pre_gb, f->bitstream_buffer, 8*prestream_size);
+    init_get_bits(&f->pre_gb, f->bitstream_buffer, 8 * prestream_size);
-    f->last_dc= 0*128*8*8;
+    f->last_dc = 0 * 128 * 8 * 8;
-    for(y=0; y<height; y+=16){
-        for(x=0; x<width; x+=16){
-            if(decode_i_mb(f) < 0)
+    for (y = 0; y < height; y += 16) {
+        for (x = 0; x < width; x += 16) {
+            if (decode_i_mb(f) < 0)
                 return -1;
             idct_put(f, x, y);
-    if(get_vlc2(&f->pre_gb, f->pre_vlc.table, ACDC_VLC_BITS, 3) != 256)
+    if (get_vlc2(&f->pre_gb, f->pre_vlc.table, ACDC_VLC_BITS, 3) != 256)
         av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "end mismatch\n");
     return 0;
@@ -712,107 +735,109 @@ static int decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx,
     AVFrame *p, temp;
     int i, frame_4cc, frame_size;
-    frame_4cc= AV_RL32(buf);
-    if(buf_size != AV_RL32(buf+4)+8 || buf_size < 20){
-        av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "size mismatch %d %d\n", buf_size, 
+    frame_4cc = AV_RL32(buf);
+    if (buf_size != AV_RL32(buf + 4) + 8 || buf_size < 20) {
+        av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "size mismatch %d %d\n", buf_size, 
AV_RL32(buf + 4));
-    if(frame_4cc == AV_RL32("cfrm")){
-        int free_index=-1;
-        const int data_size= buf_size - 20;
-        const int id= AV_RL32(buf+12);
-        const int whole_size= AV_RL32(buf+16);
+    if (frame_4cc == AV_RL32("cfrm")) {
+        int free_index = -1;
+        const int data_size = buf_size - 20;
+        const int id = AV_RL32(buf + 12);
+        const int whole_size = AV_RL32(buf + 16);
         CFrameBuffer *cfrm;
-        for(i=0; i<CFRAME_BUFFER_COUNT; i++){
-            if(f->cfrm[i].id && f->cfrm[i].id < avctx->frame_number)
+        for (i = 0; i<CFRAME_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
+            if (f->cfrm[i].id && f->cfrm[i].id < avctx->frame_number)
                 av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "lost c frame %d\n", 
-        for(i=0; i<CFRAME_BUFFER_COUNT; i++){
-            if(f->cfrm[i].id   == id) break;
-            if(f->cfrm[i].size == 0 ) free_index= i;
+        for (i = 0; i < CFRAME_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
+            if (f->cfrm[i].id == id)
+               break;
+            if (f->cfrm[i].size == 0 )
+               free_index = i;
-        if(i>=CFRAME_BUFFER_COUNT){
-            i= free_index;
-            f->cfrm[i].id= id;
+        if (i >= CFRAME_BUFFER_COUNT) {
+            i = free_index;
+            f->cfrm[i].id = id;
-        cfrm= &f->cfrm[i];
+        cfrm = &f->cfrm[i];
-        cfrm->data= av_fast_realloc(cfrm->data, &cfrm->allocated_size, 
cfrm->size + data_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
-        if(!cfrm->data){ //explicit check needed as memcpy below might not 
catch a NULL
+        cfrm->data = av_fast_realloc(cfrm->data, &cfrm->allocated_size, 
cfrm->size + data_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
+        if (!cfrm->data) { //explicit check needed as memcpy below might not 
catch a NULL
             av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "realloc falure");
             return -1;
-        memcpy(cfrm->data + cfrm->size, buf+20, data_size);
+        memcpy(cfrm->data + cfrm->size, buf + 20, data_size);
         cfrm->size += data_size;
-        if(cfrm->size >= whole_size){
-            buf= cfrm->data;
-            frame_size= cfrm->size;
+        if (cfrm->size >= whole_size) {
+            buf = cfrm->data;
+            frame_size = cfrm->size;
-            if(id != avctx->frame_number){
+            if (id != avctx->frame_number) {
                 av_log(f->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "cframe id mismatch %d %d\n", 
id, avctx->frame_number);
-            cfrm->size= cfrm->id= 0;
-            frame_4cc= AV_RL32("pfrm");
-        }else
+            cfrm->size = cfrm->id = 0;
+            frame_4cc = AV_RL32("pfrm");
+        } else
             return buf_size;
-    }else{
-        buf= buf + 12;
-        frame_size= buf_size - 12;
+    } else {
+        buf = buf + 12;
+        frame_size = buf_size - 12;
-    temp= f->current_picture;
-    f->current_picture= f->last_picture;
-    f->last_picture= temp;
+    temp = f->current_picture;
+    f->current_picture = f->last_picture;
+    f->last_picture = temp;
-    p= &f->current_picture;
-    avctx->coded_frame= p;
+    p = &f->current_picture;
+    avctx->coded_frame = p;
     avctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_EMU_EDGE; // alternatively we would have to use 
our own buffer management
-    if(p->data[0])
+    if (p->data[0])
         avctx->release_buffer(avctx, p);
-    p->reference= 1;
-    if(avctx->get_buffer(avctx, p) < 0){
+    p->reference = 1;
+    if (avctx->get_buffer(avctx, p) < 0 ) {
         av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "get_buffer() failed\n");
         return -1;
-    if(frame_4cc == AV_RL32("ifr2")){
-        p->pict_type= AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I;
-        if(decode_i2_frame(f, buf-4, frame_size) < 0)
+    if (frame_4cc == AV_RL32("ifr2")) {
+        p->pict_type = AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I;
+        if (decode_i2_frame(f, buf - 4, frame_size) < 0)
             return -1;
-    }else if(frame_4cc == AV_RL32("ifrm")){
-        p->pict_type= AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I;
-        if(decode_i_frame(f, buf, frame_size) < 0)
+    } else if (frame_4cc == AV_RL32("ifrm")) {
+        p->pict_type = AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I;
+        if (decode_i_frame(f, buf, frame_size) < 0)
             return -1;
-    }else if(frame_4cc == AV_RL32("pfrm") || frame_4cc == AV_RL32("pfr2")){
-        if(!f->last_picture.data[0]){
-            f->last_picture.reference= 1;
-            if(avctx->get_buffer(avctx, &f->last_picture) < 0){
+    } else if (frame_4cc == AV_RL32("pfrm") || frame_4cc == AV_RL32("pfr2")) {
+        if (!f->last_picture.data[0]) {
+            f->last_picture.reference = 1;
+            if (avctx->get_buffer(avctx, &f->last_picture) < 0) {
                 av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "get_buffer() failed\n");
                 return -1;
-        p->pict_type= AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P;
-        if(decode_p_frame(f, buf, frame_size) < 0)
+        p->pict_type = AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P;
+        if (decode_p_frame(f, buf, frame_size) < 0)
             return -1;
-    }else if(frame_4cc == AV_RL32("snd_")){
+    } else if (frame_4cc == AV_RL32("snd_")) {
         av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "ignoring snd_ chunk length:%d\n", 
-    }else{
+    } else {
         av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "ignoring unknown chunk length:%d\n", 
-    p->key_frame= p->pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I;
+    p->key_frame = p->pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I;
-    *picture= *p;
+    *picture = *p;
     *data_size = sizeof(AVPicture);
@@ -821,61 +846,66 @@ static int decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx,
-static av_cold void common_init(AVCodecContext *avctx){
+static av_cold void common_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
     FourXContext * const f = avctx->priv_data;
     dsputil_init(&f->dsp, avctx);
-    f->avctx= avctx;
+    f->avctx = avctx;
-static av_cold int decode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx){
+static av_cold int decode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
     FourXContext * const f = avctx->priv_data;
-    if(avctx->extradata_size != 4 || !avctx->extradata) {
+    if (avctx->extradata_size != 4 || !avctx->extradata) {
         av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "extradata wrong or missing\n");
         return 1;
-    f->version= AV_RL32(avctx->extradata)>>16;
+    f->version = AV_RL32(avctx->extradata) >> 16;
-    if(f->version>2) avctx->pix_fmt= PIX_FMT_RGB565;
-    else             avctx->pix_fmt= PIX_FMT_BGR555;
+    if (f->version > 2)
+        avctx->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_RGB565;
+    else
+        avctx->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_BGR555;
     return 0;
-static av_cold int decode_end(AVCodecContext *avctx){
+static av_cold int decode_end(AVCodecContext *avctx)
     FourXContext * const f = avctx->priv_data;
     int i;
-    f->bitstream_buffer_size=0;
-    for(i=0; i<CFRAME_BUFFER_COUNT; i++){
+    f->bitstream_buffer_size = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < CFRAME_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
-        f->cfrm[i].allocated_size= 0;
+        f->cfrm[i].allocated_size = 0;
-    if(f->current_picture.data[0])
+    if (f->current_picture.data[0])
         avctx->release_buffer(avctx, &f->current_picture);
-    if(f->last_picture.data[0])
+    if (f->last_picture.data[0])
         avctx->release_buffer(avctx, &f->last_picture);
     return 0;
 AVCodec ff_fourxm_decoder = {
-    .name           = "4xm",
-    .type           = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
-    .id             = CODEC_ID_4XM,
+    .name = "4xm",
+    .type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+    .id = CODEC_ID_4XM,
     .priv_data_size = sizeof(FourXContext),
-    .init           = decode_init,
-    .close          = decode_end,
-    .decode         = decode_frame,
-    .capabilities   = CODEC_CAP_DR1,
+    .init = decode_init,
+    .close = decode_end,
+    .decode = decode_frame,
+    .capabilities = CODEC_CAP_DR1,
     .long_name = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("4X Movie"),
diff --git a/libavdevice/timefilter.c b/libavdevice/timefilter.c
index 332d33b..f23190a 100644
--- a/libavdevice/timefilter.c
+++ b/libavdevice/timefilter.c
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ struct TimeFilter {
 TimeFilter * ff_timefilter_new(double clock_period, double feedback2_factor, 
double feedback3_factor)
-    TimeFilter *self        = av_mallocz(sizeof(TimeFilter));
-    self->clock_period      = clock_period;
-    self->feedback2_factor  = feedback2_factor;
-    self->feedback3_factor  = feedback3_factor;
+    TimeFilter *self = av_mallocz(sizeof(TimeFilter));
+    self->clock_period = clock_period;
+    self->feedback2_factor = feedback2_factor;
+    self->feedback3_factor = feedback3_factor;
     return self;
@@ -53,23 +53,23 @@ void ff_timefilter_destroy(TimeFilter *self)
 void ff_timefilter_reset(TimeFilter *self)
-    self->count      = 0;
+    self->count = 0;
 double ff_timefilter_update(TimeFilter *self, double system_time, double 
-    if (self->count==1) {
+    if (self->count == 1) {
         /// init loop
-        self->cycle_time    = system_time;
+        self->cycle_time = system_time;
     } else {
         double loop_error;
-        self->cycle_time   += self->clock_period * period;
+        self->cycle_time += self->clock_period * period;
         /// calculate loop error
-        loop_error          = system_time - self->cycle_time;
+        loop_error = system_time - self->cycle_time;
         /// update loop
-        self->cycle_time   += FFMAX(self->feedback2_factor, 1.0/(self->count)) 
* loop_error;
+        self->cycle_time += FFMAX(self->feedback2_factor, 1.0 / (self->count)) 
* loop_error;
         self->clock_period += self->feedback3_factor * loop_error / period;
     return self->cycle_time;
@@ -89,59 +89,58 @@ int main(void)
     double ideal[SAMPLES];
     double samples[SAMPLES];
 #if 1
-    for(n0= 0; n0<40; n0=2*n0+1){
-        for(n1= 0; n1<10; n1=2*n1+1){
+    for (n0 = 0; n0 < 40; n0 = 2 * n0 + 1) {
+        for (n1 = 0; n1 < 10; n1 = 2 * n1 + 1) {
-        n0=7;
-        n1=1;
+        n0 = 7;
+        n1 = 1;
-            double best_error= 1000000000;
-            double bestpar0=1;
-            double bestpar1=0.001;
+            double best_error = 1000000000;
+            double bestpar0 = 1;
+            double bestpar1 = 0.001;
             int better, i;
             av_lfg_init(&prng, 123);
-            for(i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++){
-                ideal[i]  = 10 + i + n1*i/(1000);
-                samples[i] = ideal[i] + n0 * (av_lfg_get(&prng) - LFG_MAX / 2)
-                                           / (LFG_MAX * 10LL);
+            for (i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
+                ideal[i] = 10 + i + n1 * i / (1000);
+                samples[i] = ideal[i] + n0 * (av_lfg_get(&prng) - LFG_MAX / 2) 
/ (LFG_MAX * 10LL);
-            do{
+            do {
                 double par0, par1;
-                better=0;
-                for(par0= bestpar0*0.8; par0<=bestpar0*1.21; 
-                    for(par1= bestpar1*0.8; par1<=bestpar1*1.21; 
-                        double error=0;
-                        TimeFilter *tf= ff_timefilter_new(1, par0, par1);
-                        for(i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++){
+                better = 0;
+                for (par0 = bestpar0 * 0.8; par0 <= bestpar0 * 1.21; par0 += 
bestpar0 * 0.05) {
+                    for (par1 = bestpar1 * 0.8; par1 <= bestpar1 * 1.21; par1 
+= bestpar1 * 0.05) {
+                        double error = 0;
+                        TimeFilter *tf = ff_timefilter_new(1, par0, par1);
+                        for (i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
                             double filtered;
-                            filtered=  ff_timefilter_update(tf, samples[i], 1);
+                            filtered = ff_timefilter_update(tf, samples[i], 1);
                             error += (filtered - ideal[i]) * (filtered - 
-                        if(error < best_error){
-                            best_error= error;
-                            bestpar0= par0;
-                            bestpar1= par1;
-                            better=1;
+                        if (error < best_error) {
+                            best_error = error;
+                            bestpar0 = par0;
+                            bestpar1 = par1;
+                            better = 1;
-            }while(better);
+            } while (better);
 #if 0
-            double lastfil=9;
-            TimeFilter *tf= ff_timefilter_new(1, bestpar0, bestpar1);
-            for(i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++){
+            double lastfil = 9;
+            TimeFilter *tf = ff_timefilter_new(1, bestpar0, bestpar1);
+            for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) {
                 double filtered;
-                filtered=  ff_timefilter_update(tf, samples[i], 1);
+                filtered = ff_timefilter_update(tf, samples[i], 1);
                 printf("%f %f %f %f\n", i - samples[i] + 10, filtered - 
samples[i], samples[FFMAX(i, 1)] - samples[FFMAX(i-1, 0)], filtered - lastfil);
-                lastfil= filtered;
+                lastfil = filtered;
-            printf(" [%f %f %9f]", bestpar0, bestpar1, best_error);
+            printf("[%f %f %9f]", bestpar0, bestpar1, best_error);

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