On Mon, 27 Mar 2017 21:38:12 +0100
Mark Thompson <s...@jkqxz.net> wrote:

> This also adds a new field to AVHWAccel to set supported hardware device
> types, so that we can query the right hwaccel.
> ---

Btw., this won't work for d3d11va and dxva2. There are the following

- In DXVA2, there is a 1:1 correspondence between decoder and frame
  pool. (This seems to be mostly an artifact of bad drivers, but
  nevertheless we must do it.) This means AVDXVA2FramesContext has a
  decoder_to_release field. The libavcodec API requires that you
  create hw_frames_ctx before the decoder is created. So you either need
  to change this field on an initialized hwframes context, or there
  needs to be a way to create the decoder before the hwframes context.

- The API user might want to cache/reuse the hwframes ctx if it's
  possible, e.g. on seeks, where the codec is flushed and get_format
  will be called again. This is probably not possible with DXVA2 and
  D3D11VA when the decoder is recreated, so the decoder needs to be
  cached. There is no mechanism for this. (I'm an API user who
  absolutely wants this.)

- Like the DXVA2 hwframes ctx API, the proposed D3D11VA hwframes ctx
  API patches take a decoder on init. This might fulfill a similar role
  as DXVA2 (releasing decoder and surfaces at the same time to deal
  with bad drivers). But in addition, the surfaces are represented by
  ID3D11VideoDecoderOutputViews, which in turn depend on the decoder
  config GUID. This is retrieved from the video decoder.

  This means that even if the API is somehow changed not to require a
  decoder up-front, it needs the decoder config GUID. The API user
  can't provide this GUID without duplicating all the decoder selection
  logic this API is supposed to provide/hide.

Possible solutions:

- Add native hwframes_ctx and decoder instance caching to the libavcodec
  API, make it allocate the hwframex ctx internally (so it can be done
  after the decoder is created). Add a callback that allows the user to
  customize the hwframes_ctx configuration before initialization.

  This would basically short-cut these issues by implementing the
  wanted features in libavcodec - but I think it's reasonable. This
  would probably also cover half of the use-cases targetted by the
  patch I'm replying too, but other parts are orthogonal.
  It solves the problem, but had to be implemented in other hwaccels
  too (I guess). At least for vaapi/vdpau it could actually be handled
  in generic code, since the surfaces don't depend on the decoder.

- Somehow change the D3D11VA libavcodec API, and manage the
  ID3D11VideoDecoderOutputViews internally. For example, the
  hwframes_ctx and libavcodec could somehow allocate them internally
  once the decoder is created. The array texture can still be allocated
  in a way that's similar to vaapi.

  This sounds messy and intrusive, especially because output views are
  the canonical type for AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11VA_VLD. Also doesn't take care
  of some other issues.
  (Although it might have been a nice if it had been like this in the
  first place.)

- Somehow change how the hwframes contexts depend on the decoder, or
  how they free it. Like replacing the decoder refs with an AVBuffer.
  This could point to something we could freely change, without having
  to worry about interfering with hw_frames_ctx internals. So we could
  for example put the decoder reference into there and change it in

  Maybe this is pointless, and changing the AVDXVA2FramesContext
  decoder_to_release field directly would be allowed even after
  hw_frames_ctx init. Also this doesn't solve the part where D3D11VA
  needs the decoder config up-front.

- Introduce an API that returns the raw decoder config before returning
  from get_format. It could be included in the API that determines the
  other hwframes ctx parameters.

  This might be an OK solution, though doesn't take care of the other
  hwframes/decoder dependencies. AVD3D11VAFramesContext would be
  extended so the user can provide the decoder config directly. The
  config would need to be returned in a portable way, and the user would
  somehow have to compare the decoder config to check whether an
  existing hw_frames_ctx can be reused. (These issues make me not like
  it much.)

- Introduce an API that creates a hw decoder. This would mean
  representing the hw decoder as its own API object. Then the user
  would have full flexibility how to manage decoders/frames on reinits
  of any kind.


I'm hoping this frames caching/reusing is acknowledged as important
use-case. I'm interested in porting dxva2/d3d11va to the new hwaccel
API, without losing that caching/reusing capability, and without having
to implement it in a way that would duplicate too much of libavcodec's
decoder setup. Personally I'd probably my first proposed solution
(letting libavcodec handle this frames reusing).
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