On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Fabio J. Gonzalez <gonza...@ymail.com> wrote:
> I am developing a free software project. I wonder how to convert any video 
> format supported to RGB24. I want to import the most different formats of 
> video/images, but I want to work only with RGB24. I think for some reason 
> img_convert deprecated(the compiler can not find this function). Know any 
> other function (or way) that does exactly that?

You can use libswscale. Look at sws_getContext(), sws_scale(). You can
pass the decoded frame to sws_scale(), and the frame you want to copy
and convert it into. For this new frame, you'll probably want to
allocate memory for the frame's data using avpicture_fill().

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