Michael Bradshaw <mbradshaw@...> writes:

> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 9:27 AM, aviad rozenhek wrote:
> > here's a command line to create a TS file with black 
> > frames from nothing in ffmpeg
> > ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=black:320x240:25 out.ts 
> > how do I do the same with avconv?
> Wrong mailing list? This is the FFmpeg mailing list. 
> If you want to use libav, you should contact their mailing list. 
> See http://libav.org/contact.html (looks like you want 
> the libav-tools mailing list)

Allow me to add that if you have any problems with FFmpeg 
please tell us either on this mailing list or on trac, 
don't forget we like good bugreports, see 

Carl Eugen

Libav-user mailing list

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