
I guess there are a number of people on here who are experts at writing 
optimised code exploiting every bit of a processor's instruction set. The code 
I recently isolated from the Perian project also attempts this, and I just came 
across something that got flabbergasted me. Perian is a Mac-only project, so it 
can make a number of safe assumptions about the CPUs it'll run on. Not so the 
split-off I created, which is Mac + Win32, likely to run on (lowly) AMD CPUs as 
well as high-end Intel ones.
So I looked at the actual performance of a few of the SSE-optimised functions, 
knowing from experience that using SIMD also introduces overhead and that a 
good compiler is likely to create better assembly than a hand-coding non-expert 

So I have this little benchmark comparing 2 routines that convert yuv420 to 
yuv422, running them on data that's allocated only once and should contain 
random bits, counting the number of calls made during a 5 second period (using 
tested, high resolution, low-latency timing functions):

          AVPicture pict;
          uint8_t *baseAddr = NULL;
          int width = 720, height = 576, outRB = 1440;
          double t;
          unsigned long N = 0;
                memset( &pict.data, 0, sizeof(pict.data) );
                pict.linesize[0] = 752, pict.linesize[1] = 376;
                if( (pict.data[0] = (uint8_t*) malloc( width * height * 2 * 
sizeof(uint8_t) ))
                   && (pict.data[1] = (uint8_t*) malloc( width * height * 2 * 
sizeof(uint8_t) ))
                   && (pict.data[2] = (uint8_t*) malloc( width * height * 2 * 
sizeof(uint8_t) ))
                   && (baseAddr = (uint8_t*) malloc( width * height * 4 * 2 * 
sizeof(uint8_t) ))
                  double startT = HRTime_Time();
                                Y420toY422_sse2( &pict, baseAddr, outRB, width, 
height, &N );
                        } while( (t = HRTime_Time() - startT) < 5 );
                        fprintf( stderr, "%lu 
Y420toY422_sse2(outRB=%d,width=%d,height=%d) conversions in %gs; %gHz\n",
                                        N, outRB, width, height, t,
                                        N / t );
                        startT = HRTime_Time(); N = 0;
                                Y420toY422_x86_scalar( &pict, baseAddr, outRB, 
width, height, &N );
                                N += 1;
                        } while( (t = HRTime_Time() - startT) < 5 );
                        fprintf( stderr, "%lu 
Y420toY422_x86_scalar(outRB=%d,width=%d,height=%d) conversions in %gs; %gHz\n",
                                        N, outRB, width, height, t,
                                        N / t );

On my 2.7Ghz dual-core i7 MBP, I get about 10000Hz for the SSE version, and 
roughly half that for the generic, scalar function, using gcc-4.2 as well as 
using MSVC 2010 Express running under WinXP in VirtualBox. The factor 2 speed 
gain for SSE code also applies on 2 AMD machines (mid-end laptop and C62 

Then I installed a new mingw32 cross-compiler based on gcc 4.7 and for the heck 
of it compiled my benchmark with it ... and found same factor 2 ... but in 
favour of the scalar code, on my i7 . It's more like a factor 2.5, actually. 
Same thing after installing the native OS X gcc 4.7 version.

The question: is gcc-4.7 clever enough to do a better optimisation of the 2nd 
benchmark loop than the 1st loop, or does it really generate so much better 
assembly from the scalar function? NB, -fno-inline-functions has no effect here.

Not that it matters much, as even on the C62 netbook the SSE function runs at 
almost 700Hz.

The functions:

//Handles the last row for Y420 videos with an odd number of luma rows
//FIXME: odd number of luma columns is not handled and they will be lost
static void Y420toY422_lastrow(uint8_t *o, uint8_t *yc, uint8_t *uc, uint8_t 
*vc, int halfWidth)
        int x;
        for(x=0; x < halfWidth; x++)
                int x4 = x*4, x2 = x*2;

                o[x4]   = uc[x];
                o[++x4] = yc[x2];
                o[++x4] = vc[x];
                o[++x4] = yc[++x2];

#define HandleLastRow(o, yc, uc, vc, halfWidth, height) if (unlikely(height & 
1)) Y420toY422_lastrow(o, yc, uc, vc, halfWidth)

#include <emmintrin.h>

#ifdef _MSCVER
#       define FASTCALL __fastcall
#elif defined(__i386__) && !defined(__llvm__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
#       define FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall))
#       define FASTCALL

static FASTCALL void Y420toY422_sse2(AVPicture *picture, uint8_t *o, int outRB, 
int width, int height, unsigned long *N)
        uint8_t *yc = picture->data[0], *uc = picture->data[1], *vc = 
        int             rY = picture->linesize[0], rUV = picture->linesize[1];
        int             y, x, halfwidth = width >> 1, halfheight = height >> 1;
        int             vWidth = width >> 5;

        for (y = 0; y < halfheight; y++) {
                uint8_t   *o2 = o + outRB,   *yc2 = yc + rY;
                __m128i *ov = (__m128i*)o, *ov2 = (__m128i*)o2, *yv = 
(__m128i*)yc, *yv2 = (__m128i*)yc2;
                __m128i *uv = (__m128i*)uc,*vv  = (__m128i*)vc;
#if defined(__i386__) && !defined(_MSC_VER) //FIXMERJVB
                int vWidth_ = vWidth;

                asm volatile(
                        "\n0:                   \n\t"
                        "movdqa         (%2),   %%xmm0  \n\t"
                        "movdqa         16(%2), %%xmm2  \n\t"
                        "movdqa         (%3),           %%xmm1  \n\t"
                        "movdqa         16(%3), %%xmm3  \n\t"
                        "movdqu         (%4),   %%xmm4  \n\t"
                        "movdqu         (%5),   %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "addl           $32,    %2              \n\t"
                        "addl           $32,    %3              \n\t"
                        "addl           $16,    %4              \n\t"
                        "addl           $16,    %5              \n\t"
                        "movdqa         %%xmm4, %%xmm6  \n\t"
                        "punpcklbw      %%xmm5, %%xmm4  \n\t" /*chroma_l*/
                        "punpckhbw      %%xmm5, %%xmm6  \n\t" /*chroma_h*/
                        "movdqa         %%xmm4, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "punpcklbw      %%xmm0, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "movntdq        %%xmm5, (%0)    \n\t" /*ov[x4]*/
                        "movdqa         %%xmm4, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "punpckhbw      %%xmm0, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "movntdq        %%xmm5, 16(%0)  \n\t" /*ov[x4+1]*/
                        "movdqa         %%xmm6, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "punpcklbw      %%xmm2, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "movntdq        %%xmm5, 32(%0)  \n\t" /*ov[x4+2]*/
                        "movdqa         %%xmm6, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "punpckhbw      %%xmm2, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "movntdq        %%xmm5, 48(%0)  \n\t" /*ov[x4+3]*/
                        "addl           $64,    %0              \n\t"
                        "movdqa         %%xmm4, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "punpcklbw      %%xmm1, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "movntdq        %%xmm5, (%1)    \n\t" /*ov2[x4]*/
                        "punpckhbw      %%xmm1, %%xmm4  \n\t"
                        "movntdq        %%xmm4, 16(%1)  \n\t" /*ov2[x4+1]*/
                        "movdqa         %%xmm6, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "punpcklbw      %%xmm3, %%xmm5  \n\t"
                        "movntdq        %%xmm5, 32(%1)  \n\t" /*ov2[x4+2]*/
                        "punpckhbw      %%xmm3, %%xmm6  \n\t"
                        "movntdq        %%xmm6, 48(%1)  \n\t" /*ov2[x4+3]*/
                        "addl           $64,    %1              \n\t"
                        "decl           %6                              \n\t"
                        "jnz            0b                              \n\t"
                        : "+r" (ov), "+r" (ov2), "+r" (yv),
                          "+r" (yv2), "+r" (uv), "+r" (vv), "+m"(vWidth_)
                        : "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", 
                for (x = 0; x < vWidth; x++) {
                        int x2 = x*2, x4 = x*4;

                        __m128i tmp_y = yv[x2], tmp_y3 = yv[x2+1],
                                        tmp_y2 = yv2[x2], tmp_y4 = yv2[x2+1],
                                        tmp_u = _mm_loadu_si128(&uv[x]), tmp_v 
= _mm_loadu_si128(&vv[x]),
                                        chroma_l = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(tmp_u, 
                                        chroma_h = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(tmp_u, 
                        _mm_stream_si128(&ov[x4],   _mm_unpacklo_epi8(chroma_l, 
                        _mm_stream_si128(&ov[x4+1], _mm_unpackhi_epi8(chroma_l, 
                        _mm_stream_si128(&ov[x4+2], _mm_unpacklo_epi8(chroma_h, 
                        _mm_stream_si128(&ov[x4+3], _mm_unpackhi_epi8(chroma_h, 
                        _mm_stream_si128(&ov2[x4],  _mm_unpacklo_epi8(chroma_l, 

                for (x=vWidth * 16; x < halfwidth; x++) {
                  int x4 = x*4, x2 = x*2;
                        o2[x4]     = o[x4] = uc[x];
                        o [x4] = yc[x2], o2[x4] = yc2[x2];
                        o2[x4] = o[x4] = vc[x];
                        x4++, x2++;
                        o [x4] = yc[x2], o2[x4] = yc2[x2];
                o  += outRB*2;
                yc += rY*2;
                uc += rUV;
                vc += rUV;

        HandleLastRow(o, yc, uc, vc, halfwidth, height);
        *N += 1;

static FASTCALL void Y420toY422_x86_scalar(AVPicture *picture, uint8_t *o, int 
outRB, int width, int height, unsigned long *N)
        uint8_t *yc = picture->data[0], *u = picture->data[1], *v = 
        int             rY = picture->linesize[0], rUV = picture->linesize[1];
        int             halfheight = height >> 1, halfwidth = width >> 1;
        int             y, x;
        for (y = 0; y < halfheight; y ++) {
                uint8_t *o2 = o + outRB, *yc2 = yc + rY;
                for (x = 0; x < halfwidth; x++) {
                        int x4 = x*4, x2 = x*2;
                        o2[x4]     = o[x4] = u[x];
                        o [++x4] = yc[x2];
                        o2[x4] = yc2[x2];
                        o2[x4] = o[x4] = v[x];
                        o [++x4] = yc[++x2];
                        o2[x4] = yc2[x2];
                o  += outRB*2;
                yc += rY*2;
                u  += rUV;
                v  += rUV;

        HandleLastRow(o, yc, u, v, halfwidth, height);
        *N += 1;

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