On 9/6/13, James Board <jpboa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Let's say I have an input video (AVI format) that is vfr, and I write
> a libav application that steps through each frame in the video and
> does something: maybe I write that frame to a file on disk.  Will
> I have vfr-problems where the libav is duplicating frames, or removing
> frames (behind the scenes) in order to make it CFR?  Does libav
> do things like that?  If so, can I turn it off?

When using libs you are on your own. The VFR/CFR comes with ffmpeg tool.

> Also, and this probably isn't a libav question, but how can I tell
> if my input AVI file is vfr or cfr?

By looking at frame timestamps.
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