ReSearchIT Eng <researchiteng@...> writes:

> Command: ./ffmpeg.exe -loglevel debug -y -vn -f s16le 
> -ac 1 -ar 16000 -acodec pcm_s16le -sample_fmt s16 
> -i 684.wav -ac 1 -ab 23850 -ar 16000 -f amr 
> -acodec libvo_amrwbenc -sample_fmt s16 
> 640bytes_fromwav.awb

Please remove:
"-acodec pcm_s16le", this is the only codec supported in 
fomrat s16le
Output file option "-ac 1", the input file is mono.
Output file option "-ar 16000" etc.

And please remove all occurences of -sample_fmt, I am 
not sure what you intend with them, but they can't do 
any good.

Carl Eugen

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