On 2017-11-06 11:40 AM, Francesco, Cuzzocrea wrote:
Hi to all

I found that ffmpeg can decode PRORES, while it seems that avcodec doesn't.

If I issue:

ffmpeg.exe -i test_prores.mov test.mp4

it convert the mov prores file correctly, whilst using libavcodec doesn't.  Here is the snippet of code:

  vd_codec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_PRORES);

  pCodecCtxFF = avcodec_alloc_context3(vd_codec);

  glob_frm = av_frame_alloc();   // allocate and init a re-usable frame

  avcodec_open2(pCodecCtxFF, vd_codec,NULL);


// Read a single PRORES FRAME and put it into tempBuff
   fileSize = PutFileIntoBuffer(srcFile.c_str(),tempBuff);

   thpkt.size =  fileSize;    thpkt.data = tempBuff;

   conv_res = avcodec_send_packet(pCodecCtxFF, &thpkt);
     if(av_strerror(conv_res, errbuf, 512)==0)  stre.printf("Error sending packet : %s",errbuf);       else  stre.printf("Error %x returned from avcodec_send_packet : %s",errbuf);
      goto __exit_pres;

result is the message "Error sending packet : Not yet implemented in FFmpeg, patches welcome".

I attempt to compile with and without --enable-version3 in the configure but nothing changes.

Anyone experienced decoding of PRORES frame ?


Are you registering the codec? IE: are you calling av_register_all() before using libav* code?

Philippe Gorley
Free Software Consultant | Montréal, Qc
Savoir-faire Linux

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