2017-11-14 16:07 GMT+01:00 John Stebbins <stebb...@jetheaddev.com>:

> There are 2 ways defined by the MP4 spec to include SPS and PPS.
> The first, most common, and supported by ffmpeg, is to put the
> parameter sets in the MP4 header *only*.  In this type of MP4, the
> sample entry type must be set to avc1.

> The second way allows the SPS and PPS to be in the MP4 header and
> inline in the stream.  In this case SPS and PPS may be repeated in
> the stream before each IDR.  This is useful for adaptive streaming
> scenarios where the characteristics of the video stream may change.
> In this type of MP4, the sample entry type must be avc3.

I believe this variant is not supported by FFmpeg's mov muxer and I
suspect that some / most players do not support it.

Carl Eugen
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