On 05/06/18 11:15, Sergio Basurco wrote:
> I'm decoding h264 with ffmpeg. I want to use the hwaccel decoders. I'm using 
> the cuvid decoder via API. In the fftools code there's a function 
> "hwaccel_retrieve_data" that is supposed to convert the decoded frame (NV12) 
> into any other format, I'm trying YUV420P.
> The conversion does not return any error, however the resulting data is not 
> correct. Here's the original NV12 frame:
> https://imgur.com/a/jAb8h12
> And here's the conversion to YUV420P (only avframe->data[0] and 
> avframe->data[1] have any data, data[2] is expected to have the V data but it 
> is missing).
> https://imgur.com/a/ihQeJ0M
> I think I'm on the right track, based on the code in hwcontext_cuda.c 
> aparently YUV420P is a supported format, I cannot get my head around how I 
> can tell the decoder to convert from NV12 to YUV420P though.
> Any tips will be appreciated, I'll update if I find anything.

See the documentation for av_hwframe_transfer_data() 
 in particular:

"If src has an AVHWFramesContext attached, then the format of dst (if set) must 
use one of the formats returned by av_hwframe_transfer_get_formats(src, 
AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_FROM). If dst has an AVHWFramesContext attached, 
then the format of src must use one of the formats returned by 
av_hwframe_transfer_get_formats(dst, AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_TO)"

For CUDA, no conversion during transfer is supported so the only usable output 
format returned by av_hwframe_transfer_get_formats() is the same format as the 
GPU-side frame itself (NV12 in your case): 

- Mark
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