[I had mail troubles and are now re-sending this message. Hopefully it
doesn't produce dulicates...]

Hi there,

I have just implemented libdbi in my rsyslog project
(http://www.rsyslog.com). I wanted to provide some feedback and also
post some questions ;)

Rsyslog is a vastly enhanced modular syslogd. It provides a
plugin-interface. I am using libdbi for database-ignorant writing of
syslog records. This is done inside a rsyslog output plugin, which in
itself is a slim code layer. If anybody is interested, a quick look can
be found at its cvsweb:


I would like to thank you for the nice piece of software. I was able to
create the rsyslog plugin in roughly 3 hours and most of this time was
spent on evaluating why it did load drivers with the Fedora 8 default
packages. It turned out that the reason was that rsyslog dlloads its own
plugin which than calls libdbi. I did an install from the most recent
source and that fixed the problem. I have to admit I am still a bit
concerned that this causes headaches to my users, but I guess this
problem will disappear as the distros begin to pick up the most recent
libdbi version.

Now to the questions:

As I said, rsyslog itself uses plugins. I have no control over who
writes and loads which plugins (neither would I like to have to ;)).
What happens if another (maybe not-yet-written) plugin also uses libdbi
and ALSO calls dbi_initialize()? I guess this is not supported. If so,
is there any way inside libdbi to handle that situation. Remember, I can
not link the rsyslog core to libdbi, because that would pull in this
dependency on any system that runs rsyslog as the default syslogd
(currently fedora core 8, debian in discussion, others probably

A second question is on the status of the Ingres/mSQL and Oracle
drivers. I hope it is OK to post here (it's a one-timer and I'd like to
save me another mailing list subscription).

I got the impression that at least the Oracle driver can be used in
practice (I don't have any of these systems to verify). I would
appreciate if you can provide my any advise that I can pass on to my
users. rsyslog uses very few driver calls, it just opens the connection
and then issues queries with "insert" statements. No query results are
ever used or read.

Thanks again for the nice software and I am looking forward to your

Rainer Gerhards

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