Hi all,

i wanted to notice that there is a new internet draft in IETF that
should make us think on the chinese government respect strategies to
internet governance issues.

DNS Extension for Autonomous Internet(AIP)

This proposal by China Telecom, China Mobile & Guangdong Commercial
College propose.

Even if we know that "root servers" are very well distributed across the
world / countries trough a collaborative system, chinese see this as a
"central control".

>From Introduction on Root DNS:
"  But its central control
   method is not suitable to autonomy and scalability and can't keep up
   with the fast development of Internet. To national internet network,
   owning its independent root DNS server and realize autonomy in
   Internet is a problem not only for the cost but also for the
   technical difficulty. It is almost impossible in current DNS

>From AIP DNS Architecture:
  "In order to realize the transition from Internet to Autonomous
   Internet, each partition of current Internet should first realize
   possible self-government and gradually reduce its dependence on the
   foreign domain names, such as COM, NET et al."

So basically the chinese play is not of being part of a collaborative
internet, but driving strategically the direction to become an
independent island in the world.

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