From: Faruq Hunter <>

The Seasteading Institute <> is putting together
a Glocal (Globally Local) Geek Fest / Hackathon / Hack whatever you want on
the water.

The premise: 12+ miles on the sea you are in international water and away
from all of the laws of any established country in the world. For a solid
week the country of GeekStead will be real and the laws will be set by all
those who participate. Allowing every hacker to work on whatever project he
sees fit and have it exist under those laws and outside of any existing

I don't know about everyone else, but it excites the hell out of me.

The group is developing the forming committee now and I wanted to put out a
call for all those who want to be involved in organizing this event. Let me
know and I will loop you into the group.

*Faruq Hunter*
President of Global Operations
O. 404-419-6460 ext. 106
M. 404-454-6839
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