Forward from the guardian project listserve:

Oh wait, it already is! Thanks to new DMCA regulations.

If we get 100,000 petitions on the White House petition site, Obama has
to make a statement about this issue. The good news is that *there are
already 88,457 signatures*! The bad news is that *there are only a few
days left *to reach the goal.

YOU can take a stand against making rooting phones a crime. Register and
sign the petition here - I mean, you want to be
more like *Vint Cerf* and *JP Barlow*, right? Well they're on board
For more details, check out this article in the Atlantic

At Guardian Project we seek to ensure that everyone is as secure and
private as they want to be when using their phones. Attempts at
installing cops in our phones are a disservice to human rights the world
over. Thanks for listening and doing your part.

In solidarity,-


P.S. You're at the bottom and haven't signed yet? Click here to get to
100,000 <>!

@mbelinsky <>|
<>| phone: +1-347-466-9327| ostel: 1003 __|
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