Interestingly (in a bad way) when I tried to follow the link in the
email version of Stanford Report, it was blocked by NoScript because it
links you through... wait for it... a tracker ;-[

Would be funny if it wasn't so discouraging.

On 3/15/2013 12:09, Yosem Companys wrote:
> How much do Internet companies know about us, and what do they plan to do 
> with the information? If only we knew.
> By Brian Eule, Stanford Magazine
> ASSUMING YOU POSSESS a cell phone and a computer and a credit card, the 
> following scenario, or something like it, might sound familiar.
> Your morning begins with coffee and a bagel and the morning paper, perhaps 
> read on a laptop. You click on stories about Egyptian unrest, the firearms 
> industry and Downton Abbey. Two other websites are open on your desktop. One 
> of them shows your Facebook account. You notice that you've been "tagged" in 
> a photo from last week's poker game, in a pose that suggests one too many 
> beers. Meanwhile, a friend has sent you a link to an article in the Onion 
> that zestfully parodies a well-known senator. You "like" it.
> You head out for your daily commute. At the toll booth, a Fastrak device 
> validates the code on your car and records the date and time of your arrival.
> You stop for gas. You swipe your debit card. The pump asks for your ZIP code 
> and you type it in. As the 20-gallon tank fills, you pull out your smartphone 
> and do a quick search for a weekend flight to Chicago. Along with the flight 
> schedules and airfares, an advertisement appears about a local concert at the 
> same venue where you attended a performance last month.
> In the first two hours of your day, computers have recorded that you are a 
> likely watcher of PBS, you drink alcohol and you have a penchant for 
> irreverent humor. They know you drive a large vehicle and probably have 
> family in the Midwest. They know when you go to work and the route you take. 
> It's 8 a.m. and you've already left a sizable virtual fingerprint.
> Now add the dozens of other electronic transactions you make in a given 
> day---every website you visit, every item you purchase online, all the 
> searches you do, all the posts you make on social media sites---plus those of 
> all your friends. Multiply that by hundreds of days of Internet activity. 
> Throw in motor vehicle records, mortgage documents, credit scores, medical 
> diagnoses. What does your profile look like now?
> Data about all of us lives online, in "clouds," on our web browsers and in 
> others' databases. Cell phones show our physical location and track the 
> places we have been. Websites display the address and price of home 
> purchases, along with the buyer and seller. Advertising agencies know the web 
> pages we have visited and the text we have entered online. Increasingly, and 
> with increasing sophistication, companies are collecting, analyzing and 
> selling data about tens of millions of people. And most of those people have 
> no idea when or how it's happening.
> "I don't think that people understand all the information that's out there 
> about them," says Jennifer Granick, director of civil liberties at Stanford 
> Law School's Center for Internet and Society. "People might not think that 
> you can put it all together, but they're wrong. It's increasingly easy to 
> figure out who people are. There is a treasure trove of information out there 
> that is available."
> The interdisciplinary CIS is helping to expose the massive asymmetry between 
> the average consumer's understanding and practices that might threaten their 
> privacy. Its scholars, along with privacy advocates in the nonprofit sector, 
> are pushing for more transparency and stricter industry standards in how data 
> is collected and used.
> Concern about privacy intrusions often originates from an innocuous-sounding 
> source: cookies. So named because of the "crumbs" of information they 
> collect, cookies are codes imbedded in a computer hard drive that track web 
> activity. They are legal and in many ways beneficial. For example, cookies 
> "remember" passwords so repeat users of a site don't have to type it in every 
> time they return. They save user preferences and enable basic Internet 
> conventions like a shopping cart that makes online buying easier and less 
> time-consuming. But a third party, unbeknownst to the user, also can set 
> cookies that follow that user from site to site, gathering information about 
> him or her. The proliferation of this practice has spawned a new business 
> category: data brokers. These companies harvest public records along with web 
> activity of all kinds, then mash it up with algorithms designed to help 
> clients target potential customers with advertisements. Although individual 
> names aren't attached to this data, scholars say there is sufficient 
> information to tease out a person's identity.
> "Web browsing history is inextricably linked to personal information," wrote 
> Jonathan Mayer, a Law School student and a PhD student in computer science, 
> and Stanford computer science professor John C. Mitchell, in a paper last 
> year for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Symposium on 
> Security and Privacy. "The pages a user visits can reveal her location, 
> interests, purchases, employment status, sexual orientation, financial 
> challenges, medical conditions, and more. Examining individual page loads is 
> often adequate to draw many conclusions about a user; analyzing patterns of 
> activity allows yet more inferences."
> AT AN EXTREME, piecing together information that exists about each of us can 
> be used for identity theft. But that's rare in comparison to more typical 
> concerns regarding the lack of control over who sees what personal 
> information, how they use it and what decisions they base on it. Aleecia M. 
> McDonald, director of privacy at the CIS, notes that banks might charge a 
> higher mortgage rate for a customer whose friends on Facebook had negative 
> credit events. Or, web merchants might adjust the price of products based on 
> a customer's ZIP code. Much of the concern, McDonald notes, resides in the 
> uncertainty over how all of the information will eventually be employed.
> It's not just the things they disclose that people find troubling; "it's also 
> this data leakage about what they do online and what they're interested in, 
> their intellectual history and then also their friends," McDonald says. "They 
> don't know where the data is going, they don't know how it's used, and they 
> don't know what happens 10, 20, 40, 50 years from now."
> Inferences based on what a user does online and who their friends are can be 
> misleading. Car insurance companies already vary premiums based on 
> demographics, but what if a user's Internet searches also informed a risk 
> assessment? Taken out of context, most of us have conducted searches that 
> might look suspicious if revealed in raw form. Employers are allowed to ask a 
> job applicant to log in and show them their Facebook page during an 
> interview. What if they also could see your search history? Might a college 
> reject an applicant based on additional information that now lives online?
> Earlier this year, Facebook announced a feature it called "graph search" 
> which allowed users to search for others who have "liked" various topics or 
> checked in at specific locations. Privacy advocates howled. Here was 
> information people might have voluntarily shared, but did not expect to be 
> catalogued. Information once known only to close friends might now more 
> easily be found by strangers---and paired with other information. The 
> Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit that champions consumers' digital 
> rights, used the example of a graph-search-enabled query for "People who work 
> at Apple, Inc. who like Samsung Mobile," information that, if shared, might 
> put those employees in an awkward position. For its part, Facebook is 
> encouraging all users to revisit their privacy settings, which locks down 
> some of what others could find via graph search.
> Google logs massive amounts of information about its users and, "regularly 
> receives requests from governments and courts around the world to hand over 
> user data," according to the company's transparency reports. In the second 
> half of 2012, Google received requests for information on more than 33,000 
> users' accounts and complied with 66 percent of those.
> An investigation by the Wall Street Journal in 2010 found that, "the nation's 
> 50 top websites on average installed 64 pieces of tracking technology onto 
> the computers of visitors, usually with no warning." Twelve of them, it 
> noted, installed more than 100.
> Privacy concerns may vary by age. McDonald speculates that younger 
> generations might be most vigilant about protecting their privacy from their 
> parents. The middle generation might be most concerned with what employers or 
> health care providers might learn about them. Regardless of age, much of the 
> issue centers around control, or lack of it.
> "The question, on some level, is 'Whose data is it?' " McDonald says.
> And the problem isn't confined to for-profit companies. Last October, Mayer 
> noticed an article in the New York Times about the use of third-party 
> trackers by the Obama and Romney campaigns. Both campaigns claimed they had 
> safeguards in place to protect users' anonymity. Mayer didn't buy it. "This 
> seemed pretty implausible to me," he says. "It was frustrating, at this level 
> of politics, that they were making this claim."
> So he fired up an open source platform he had created, called FourthParty, 
> that measures dynamic web content---sites whose offerings vary based on 
> different information provided by the user or the program---and monitors 
> interactions with web applications. Mayer had to give himself a screen name, 
> so he went with "Leland Stanford." Then he entered some information and tried 
> to see what ended up in the page codes that got passed along.
> Within a day, Mayer had confirmed his hunch. On both campaign sites, personal 
> information---in some instances a user's name, in others an address or ZIP 
> code---was included in the page web address that was given to the third-party 
> trackers.
> Mayer didn't think it was an intentional privacy breach, but he felt the 
> parties should have known better than to claim they could keep the data 
> anonymous.
> Facebook presents a particular dilemma. The site is extraordinarily popular 
> in part because it fosters connections by inviting people to share 
> information. But its reach and aggressiveness in collecting user data are 
> troubling, says Mayer. His research indicates roughly half of web browsers 
> are logged into Facebook while users are visiting other pages. Each time 
> those users visit a page that also has a Facebook icon, the information is 
> sent back to Facebook. Even if the user doesn't click on that icon.
> In the absence of strong controls, what are consumers to do to protect 
> themselves? One strategy: Pay for privacy. Start-ups such as 
> will scrub personal information from online databases for a fee. But while 
> some people are willing to pay, critics say consumers need better options. 
> "Having to pay a fee in order to engage in a retrospective effort to claw 
> back personal information doesn't seem to us the right way to go about this," 
> David Vladeck, then director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the 
> Federal Trade Commission, said at a congressional hearing in 2010.
> Deleting cookies from one's computer is only a half measure. There are still 
> other fingerprints left behind, Mayer says. Which version of which web 
> browser they use, which Windows updates they have, which plugins they 
> installed, the order of the updates they downloaded, and so on, all create a 
> unique trail of sites visited. "Consumers by and large have no idea what's 
> going on," he asserts.
> Scholars at CIS are actively working to strengthen individuals' remedies. 
> Each Wednesday, members of an international World Wide Web working group on 
> tracking protection dial in to a conference call. Their mission is to 
> "improve user privacy and user control by defining mechanisms for expressing 
> user preferences around Web tracking and for blocking or allowing Web 
> tracking elements." Representatives from academia and industry, including 
> people from Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Google and Mozilla, try to agree on a 
> set of recommendations for the field. McDonald and Mayer both participate.
> Much of the discussion stems from a relatively simple idea that Mayer and 
> Arvind Narayanan, a former postdoc at Stanford, now an affiliate scholar at 
> the CIS and professor at Princeton, helped demonstrate.
> Around 2007, in response to increased tracking on the web, privacy advocates 
> explored a Do Not Track program that would provide website users a means of 
> blocking trackers. It would work much like the Do Not Call registry adopted 
> to protect consumers from intrusive telephone marketers. It seemed more 
> sensible to work from the user end, rather than having each company offer an 
> opt-out, but many in the industry thought it was impossible to do.
> Mayer and Narayanan began writing on the subject, describing on a blog how it 
> would work: A header in an HTTP field, the building block of the web, would 
> signal the computer not to collect information, thus enabling users to opt 
> out of tracking of all kinds. They tried to show companies ways they could 
> respond to protect their businesses. It is "a simple technology that is 
> completely compatible with the existing web," they wrote. "We believe 
> regulation is necessary to verify and enforce compliance with a user's choice 
> to opt out of tracking." In a "Do Not Track Cookbook," which they posted 
> online, Mayer and Narayanan proposed limiting identifiers to each website to 
> prevent tracking from one place to another.
> A 2010 FTC report recommended implementing a Do Not Track mechanism; several 
> web browsers have adopted its use, but compliance is voluntary and its 
> effectiveness has been limited.
> UNLIKE SOME COUNTRIES that have codified a comprehensive right to privacy, 
> Jennifer Granick notes, the United States has no universal privacy law. 
> Instead, it relies on a patchwork of regulations and the Fourth Amendment, 
> which states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, 
> papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be 
> violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by 
> Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, 
> and the persons or things to be seized."
> But the Fourth Amendment applies only to intrusions from the government. And 
> most federal privacy statutes apply only to specific sectors, such as health 
> care, education or communications and therefore fail to adequately protect 
> personal data on the Internet. The oddest origin of such a statute relates to 
> video rental records and stems from the days of Robert Bork's Supreme Court 
> confirmation hearings.
> In 1987, Michael Dolan, then a reporter for the Washington City Paper, an 
> alternative weekly in Washington, D.C., walked into a local video store he 
> knew Bork and his wife frequented and requested a list of the couple's video 
> rentals. The subsequent article he wrote, describing Bork based on 146 videos 
> he had presumably watched, did little to define the man, other than revealing 
> a yen for Alfred Hitchcock and Cary Grant. But it caused a stir among the 
> nation's legislators, who were suddenly concerned about their own privacy. 
> Within a year, Congress passed the Video Privacy Protection Act to prohibit 
> "wrongful disclosure of video tape rental or sale records" without a 
> customer's consent. The Act recently returned to the floor of Congress, with 
> an amendment that makes it easier for companies like Netflix to have 
> consumers share their online video viewing as a means of delivering 
> suggestions that fit their tastes.
> The law in general is still catching up to the technology. In early February, 
> the California Supreme Court ruled that Apple could legally require some 
> personal information as a means of validating users and preventing fraud. 
> However, the majority opinion suggested that new laws might be necessary to 
> adequately protect consumer privacy.
> Narayanan tries to make a clear distinction between privacy research and 
> privacy advocacy. He believes in an individual's choice, and thus 
> transparency and consumer awareness are important. He also is quick to point 
> out that technology advancements can improve privacy options. At the start of 
> the privacy class he teaches each year, he shares an example.
> The novel Fifty Shades of Grey might have been stigmatized by its graphic 
> sexual content, Narayanan tells his students, but because it first was 
> released as an e-book, people were able to read it on tablets or e-readers 
> without other people knowing. Then, when the book became popular enough that 
> there was no stigma attached, it was published in print.
> "The narrative of technology killing privacy is, at best, dramatically 
> overstated," Narayanan says. "For every example of technology hurting 
> privacy, there's one of technology helping privacy." Another example: 
> Self-checkout kiosks used in some large retailers and grocery stores that 
> allow shoppers to make purchases without a store clerk knowing what they've 
> bought.
> These examples present an interesting paradox: While reading Fifty Shades of 
> Grey on a Kindle feels more private, there is still an electronic record of 
> the purchase. Compare that to buying it at a bookstore, with cash. A clerk 
> might know you like steamy novels but that's where the "record" of your 
> purchase ends. As technology is adopted more widely, old ways are made 
> obsolete or, in some cases, disappear altogether. But that limits our ability 
> to avoid the technology, and the attendant privacy concerns, if we chose to 
> do so.
> Solving the privacy conundrum would be easier if the solution didn't also 
> encroach on the ability of companies to prosper, and to deliver new and 
> interesting methods of entertainment, social engagement and commerce that 
> consumers happily embrace. The same technological developments that raise 
> privacy questions also add convenience to many ordinary tasks. They enable 
> instantaneous communication. Social media sites work because of the 
> participation of all of our friends, sharing photos and updates that we enjoy 
> receiving. What's the answer?
> Control and transparency were major themes of a 2012 government report titled 
> "A Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights" that aimed to establish "a baseline of 
> clear protections for consumers and greater certainty for companies." The 
> report stated that "Consumers have a right to exercise control over what 
> personal data companies collect from them and how they use it" as well as a 
> right "to easily understandable and accessible information about privacy and 
> security practices."
> The report recognized and attempted to account for the benefits of data 
> collection and to find ways of protecting privacy without thwarting 
> innovation. But it warned that if companies don't adopt measures themselves, 
> further regulatory scrutiny is likely. Those warnings are coming true. Last 
> July Congress began an inquiry into data mining practices. In October, a 
> similar probe was launched into nine data brokers.
> The Electronic Frontier Foundation expects several pieces of legislation to 
> go before Congress over the next year, including amendments to existing bills 
> that would mandate a warrant for obtaining private electronic communications 
> such as old emails. Minnesota Sen. Al Franken recently introduced The 
> Location Protection Privacy Act of 2012 that would potentially prevent 
> smartphone apps from tracking a cell phone's location and sending it to a 
> third party without consent. Another major player is the Electronic Privacy 
> Information Center, whose president and executive director Marc Rotenberg, JD 
> '87, has testified before Congress on many issues related to consumer privacy.
> "I think the next couple of years will be formative for the next decade 
> after," CIS's McDonald says. But forecasts about how business interests and 
> privacy concerns ultimately will be reconciled are cloudy at best. And the 
> proverbial slippery slope is getting more treacherous all the time.
> "I would expect that targeting advertising is just the beginning of what 
> could be done with this data," McDonald says. She worries "that we will look 
> back later on and go, 'remember when it was so simple? It was only 
> advertising.'"
> Brian Eule, '01, is a frequent contributor to Stanford.
> --
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