Hi Sina:It was reported in the newspapers and Qalibaf has not denied it. I 
don't think there is any dispute over this issue. He is in fact proud of it.

> Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 17:22:13 +0000
> From: s...@redteam.io
> To: liberationtech@lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: [liberationtech] Presidential Candidate Brags About His Direct Role 
> in Violence and Repression - voice analysis service/software
> Hello List,
> There is an election (selection) about to happen in Iran. Recently a
> secretly recorded tape was leaked to the Internet:
> "The Campaign has obtained a secretly recorded two-hour audio file of
> Qalibaf in which he details his prominent and direct role in
> repressing and carrying out violence against student protesters in
> July 1999, July 2003, and in the 2009 post-election protests."
> http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2013/05/ghalibaf_tape/
> Is there anyone on this list, that can help us provide a scientific
> proof that this voice is in fact the voice of Mr. Qalibaf? Such a
> proof can be used by Human rights groups to ban this moster from
> travelling abroad and possibly hold him accountable for his crimes.
> I figured someone on this list, may be able to at least point me to
> the right direction.
> All the best,
> SiNA
> -- 
> “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Gandhi
> --
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