On 12-06-13 19:21, John Adams wrote:
I like that you're promoting free and open tools, but your title is

You offer people false hope here. By listing the tools and not listing
what level of security they offer, people will assume they can just
switch and be protected. This is one of the reasons why the EFF does not
recommend tools. The issues associated with each tool are myriad and vast.

What's sad is that the media picked up on this, amplifying the false
hope you offer. A+ for effort, though.

Although I can agree that many of these tools do not offer (significant) protection against unwanted data gathering. It's good that such a list comes to the attention of the people who are worried about their privacy.

Even with false hope, a society without hope is doomed...

I hope some people will take time to switch to some tools and spread that knowledge further.

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