On 21-06-13 17:56, Michael Rogers wrote:
> On 17/06/13 14:12, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
>> One more generic comment/observation: clearly, Usenet or a
>> Usenet-ish mechanism will run on a smartphone.  But I'm not sure
>> that's a good idea.  Given the existence of things like CarrierIQ,
>> the propensity of repressive governments to strongarm (or take
>> over) telcos, the geolocation capabilities of cellular providers,
>> the extant research on re-identifying putatively de-identified
>> data, the epidemic of smartphone malware (including in "app
>> marketplaces"), etc., I've kinda arrived at the point where I think
>> "no smartphones" is sound advice.
> I agree - "no smartphones" is sound advice. "No phones" is even
> better. But the problem is, nobody follows that advice. So we have to
> be pragmatic. Given that billions of people own mobile phones, carry
> them everywhere, and use them for communication they'd like to keep
> confidential, what's the best incremental improvement we can make?

Just switch off the phone before driving. Saves lives (of others) and
saves your battery too.

Perhaps, start calling people that use their phone while driving
'road-terrorists' then the NSA will take care of that :-)

Cheers, Guido.
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