Hi Libtech,

We pleased to announce two calls for post-doctoral fellows at the
Citizen Lab at the Munk School od Global Affairs, University of Toronto.
One for a 1 year term (starting October 1 2013) and one for a 6 month
term (starting January 1 2014). For both positions we encourage
applications from scholars in either technical or social science
disciplines with a project in the general thematic areas of Internet
governance, information controls (e.g. surveillance and censorship),
information security, and human rights. Our past Postdoctoral Fellows
have included scholars from the fields of political science, sociology,
computer science, information studies, and law.

Please see details below and distribute widely:

*Citizen Lab Postdoctoral fellowship (1 year term)*
Posting here:

The Citizen Lab and Canada Centre for Global Security Studies at the
Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto are currently
seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to join our group for the 2013-2014 term
(start date October 1, 2013 and end date August 31, 2014).

Postdoctoral Fellows receive a competitive annual stipend, work space,
and staff support. They will become members of a vibrant community of
faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and students with wide-ranging
interests in information communication technologies, human rights, and
global affairs.

We encourage applications from either technical or social science
disciplines with a project in the general thematic areas of Internet
governance, information controls (e.g. surveillance and censorship),
information security, and human rights. Our past Postdoctoral Fellows
have included scholars from the fields of political science, sociology,
computer science, information studies, and law.


Candidates must have completed a doctoral dissertation no more than
three years prior to the submission of the Fellowship request or the
anticipated date of receiving PhD degree prior to the start of the
Fellowship (Fall 2013).

*Application Procedure*

Applications should include the following:

A three-page (maximum) description of proposed research that identifies
clearly the relationship of their research to the research agenda of the
Citizen Lab. Include page numbers and applicant name on each page;
Statement of interest and curriculum vitae (CV). Include page numbers
and applicant name on each page.
The above mentioned documents should be sent in PDF format to info [at]
citizenlab.org with the subject line “PostDoc 2013-2014” by August 31, 2013.

Letter of recommendation from a doctoral supervisor.
The recommendation letter from a doctoral supervisor must be sent in a
sealed and initialed envelope addressed to:

Professor Ronald J. Deibert
Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto
315 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A3 Canada

The postmark deadline is August 31, 2013.

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. We will send
notification by email on or before September 15, 2013. The start date of
the Fellowship is October 1, 2013.

For further information, please contact info [at] citizenlab.org.

*Munk School Postdoctoral Fellowships (6 month term)*
Posting here:

The Munk School of Global Affairs attracts top researchers in global
affairs and has three research labs actively engaged in innovative,
interdisciplinary work:

The Citizen Lab deals with cyber security and cyber governance;
The Innovation Policy Lab deals broadly with the impact of policy on
innovation and the demand side of the innovation equation;

The Global Justice Lab deals broadly with social science research on
global justice institutions and human rights regimes.


The Munk School currently have two six-month opportunities for scholars
to work in the Citizen Lab (see below) and the Global Justice Lab (see

Successful applicants will work in one of these laboratories, assisting
the director of the lab, advancing their own research, and teaching as
appropriate under University regulations in one of the academic programs
at the Munk School.

Fellows will receive a taxable stipend of C$20,000 for the six month
period as well as work space and staff support. They will become members
of a vibrant community of faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and
graduate students.

*Application Procedure*

Application package should include:

Application letter, signed and dated by the applicant linking proposed
research to the research lab they wish to join. The applicant should
provide complete contact information by filling out the postdoctoral
information form [pdf] and attach it to the letter.

A three-page (maximum) description of proposed research that identifies
clearly the relationship of their research to the research agenda of
their chosen lab – with page numbers and applicant name on top of each page.

Curriculum vitae (CV) with page numbers and applicant name on top of
each page.
Sealed and initialed envelope containing recommendation letter from a
doctoral supervisor. This document may also be sent under separate cover
by mail to address below. Recommendation letters may be sent by email
from an identifiable institutional email address with a scanned copy
that is signed, in PDF format, to: rfo.munkschool [at] utoronto.ca

Applications should be mailed to:

Professor Janice Gross Stein
Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs
c/o Research Funding Officer
University of Toronto
1 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON M5S 3K7, Canada

All documents must be received by October 31, 2013.

If you have any questions or concerns please email: rfo.munkschool [at]

*Fellowship Descriptions*

*Citizen Lab Postdoctoral Fellowship (January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014)*

The Citizen Lab is currently seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to join our
group for a six month term (January 2014-June 2014). We encourage
applications from either technical or social science disciplines with a
project in the general thematic areas of Internet governance,
information controls (e.g. surveillance and censorship), information
security, and human rights.

*Application deadline: October 31, 2013*

*Global Justice Lab Postdoctoral Fellowship (January 1, 2014 to June 30,

The Global Justice Lab (GJL) is based at the Munk School of Global
Affairs at the University of Toronto. This Lab draws together research
across academic disciplines, including law, the social sciences, and
diplomacy, to study the growth and effects of the global justice field.
Our research focuses on studies of the accountability models, both
international and national, that seek to address political violence,
atrocities, and human rights violations.

The Global Justice Lab explores how this global field has been built,
its ongoing changes, and the effects of this global justice field for
diplomatic relations, legal institutions, militaries, journalists, NGOs,
corporate actors, and the well-being of populations in post-conflict states.

Masashi Nishihata
Research Manager, Citizen Lab
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto

Phone: (416) 946-8903
pgp key: https://citizenlab.org/masashi-key.txt

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