Perhaps not every device, but maybe just one device you use for reading 
encrypted mail and the like. It could be a Raspberry Pi you carry in a 
knapsack, or something.


> On Oct 7, 2013, at 12:14, yersinia <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
>> Want to Evade NSA Spying? Don’t Connect to the Internet
>> BY BRUCE SCHNEIER 10.07.13 6:30 AM
>> Photo: Ariel Zambelich / WIRED; Illustration: Ross Patton / WIRED
>> Since I started working with Snowden’s documents, I have been using a number
>> of tools to try to stay secure from the NSA. The advice I shared included
>> using Tor, preferring certain cryptography over others, and using
>> public-domain encryption wherever possible.
>> I also recommended using an air gap, which physically isolates a computer or
>> local network of computers from the internet. (The name comes from the
>> literal gap of air between the computer and the internet; the word predates
>> wireless networks.)
>> But this is more complicated than it sounds, and requires explanation.
>> Since we know that computers connected to the internet are vulnerable to
>> outside hacking, an air gap should protect against those attacks. There are a
>> lot of systems that use — or should use — air gaps: classified military
>> networks, nuclear power plant controls, medical equipment, avionics, and so
>> on.
>> Osama Bin Laden used one. I hope human rights organizations in repressive
>> countries are doing the same.
>> Air gaps might be conceptually simple, but they’re hard to maintain in
>> practice. The truth is that nobody wants a computer that never receives files
>> from the internet and never sends files out into the internet. What they want
>> is a computer that’s not directly connected to the internet, albeit with some
>> secure way of moving files on and off.
>> But every time a file moves back or forth, there’s the potential for attack.
>> And air gaps have been breached. Stuxnet was a U.S. and Israeli
>> military-grade piece of malware that attacked the Natanz nuclear plant in
>> Iran. It successfully jumped the air gap and penetrated the Natanz network.
>> Another piece of malware named agent.btz, probably Chinese in origin,
>> successfully jumped the air gap protecting U.S. military networks.
>> These attacks work by exploiting security vulnerabilities in the removable
>> media used to transfer files on and off the air gapped computers.
>> Bruce Schneier is a security technologist and author. His latest book is
>> Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust Society Needs to Survive.
>> Since working with Snowden’s NSA files, I have tried to maintain a single
>> air-gapped computer. It turned out to be harder than I expected, and I have
>> ten rules for anyone trying to do the same:
>> 1. When you set up your computer, connect it to the internet as little as
>> possible. It’s impossible to completely avoid connecting the computer to the
>> internet, but try to configure it all at once and as anonymously as possible.
>> I purchased my computer off-the-shelf in a big box store, then went to a
>> friend’s network and downloaded everything I needed in a single session. (The
>> ultra-paranoid way to do this is to buy two identical computers, configure
>> one using the above method, upload the results to a cloud-based anti-virus
>> checker, and transfer the results of that to the air gap machine using a
>> one-way process.)
>> 2. Install the minimum software set you need to do your job, and disable all
>> operating system services that you won’t need. The less software you install,
>> the less an attacker has available to exploit. I downloaded and installed
>> OpenOffice, a PDF reader, a text editor, TrueCrypt, and BleachBit. That’s
>> all. (No, I don’t have any inside knowledge about TrueCrypt, and there’s a
>> lot about it that makes me suspicious. But for Windows full-disk encryption
>> it’s that, Microsoft’s BitLocker, or Symantec’s PGPDisk — and I am more
>> worried about large U.S. corporations being pressured by the NSA than I am
>> about TrueCrypt.)
>> 3. Once you have your computer configured, never directly connect it to the
>> internet again. Consider physically disabling the wireless capability, so it
>> doesn’t get turned on by accident.
>> 4. If you need to install new software, download it anonymously from a random
>> network, put it on some removable media, and then manually transfer it to the
>> air gapped computer. This is by no means perfect, but it’s an attempt to make
>> it harder for the attacker to target your computer.
>> 5. Turn off all auto-run features. This should be standard practice for all
>> the computers you own, but it’s especially important for an air-gapped
>> computer. Agent.btz used autorun to infect U.S. military computers.
>> 6. Minimize the amount of executable code you move onto the air-gapped
>> computer. Text files are best. Microsoft Office files and PDFs are more
>> dangerous, since they might have embedded macros. Turn off all macro
>> capabilities you can on the air-gapped computer. Don’t worry too much about
>> patching your system; in general, the risk of the executable code is worse
>> than the risk of not having your patches up to date. You’re not on the
>> internet, after all.
>> 7. Only use trusted media to move files on and off air-gapped computers. A
>> USB stick you purchase from a store is safer than one given to you by someone
>> you don’t know — or one you find in a parking lot.
>> 8. For file transfer, a writable optical disk (CD or DVD) is safer than a USB
>> stick. Malware can silently write data to a USB stick, but it can’t spin the
>> CD-R up to 1000 rpm without your noticing. This means that the malware can
>> only write to the disk when you write to the disk. You can also verify how
>> much data has been written to the CD by physically checking the back of it.
>> If you’ve only written one file, but it looks like three-quarters of the CD
>> was burned, you have a problem. Note: the first company to market a USB stick
>> with a light that indicates a write operation — not read or write; I’ve got
>> one of those — wins a prize.
>> 9. When moving files on and off your air-gapped computer, use the absolute
>> smallest storage device you can. And fill up the entire device with random
>> files. If an air-gapped computer is compromised, the malware is going to try
>> to sneak data off it using that media. While malware can easily hide stolen
>> files from you, it can’t break the laws of physics. So if you use a tiny
>> transfer device, it can only steal a very small amount of data at a time. If
>> you use a large device, it can take that much more. Business-card-sized
>> mini-CDs can have capacity as low as 30 MB. I still see 1-GB USB sticks for
>> sale.
>> 10. Consider encrypting everything you move on and off the air-gapped
>> computer. Sometimes you’ll be moving public files and it won’t matter, but
>> sometimes you won’t be, and it will. And if you’re using optical media, those
>> disks will be impossible to erase. Strong encryption solves these problems.
>> And don’t forget to encrypt the computer as well; whole-disk encryption is
>> the best.
>> One thing I didn’t do, although it’s worth considering, is use a stateless
>> operating system like Tails. You can configure Tails with a persistent volume
>> to save your data, but no operating system changes are ever saved. Booting
>> Tails from a read-only DVD — you can keep your data on an encrypted USB stick
>> — is even more secure. Of course, this is not foolproof, but it greatly
>> reduces the potential avenues for attack.
>> Yes, all this is advice for the paranoid. And it’s probably impossible to
>> enforce for any network more complicated than a single computer with a single
>> user. But if you’re thinking about setting up an air-gapped computer, you
>> already believe that some very powerful attackers are after you personally.
>> If you’re going to use an air gap, use it properly.
>> Of course you can take things further. I have met people who have physically
>> removed the camera, microphone, and wireless capability altogether. But
>> that’s too much paranoia for me right now.
> I like  Bruce much, i have read all of him, every book, mostly article, from 
> years. But no normal person would follow these advice, all smartphones should 
> be turned off, each tablet, and every pc should be turned in a anonyomous 
> client of an anonymous network. Sure, who believe in the paranoia model 
> definitely find comfort in these indications, for example i am one. But those 
> who follow this model, really, are following it also not in only the 
> cyberspace, but also in the real life, every day ? Really? Internet is 
> perhaps evil but perhaps also our world is not so a sane and secure place, 
> sometime (or every time, depend).
> Best
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