Hi all,

I'm sure many of you have seen the recent alleged google
adsense leaks from the discussions about whether this is a hoax.

The first post to pastebin was on 29 April 2014, and the second (less
well-known) post was the following day on the 30 April 2014.

Post 1: "I am writing this to leak information to the public..."
http://crypto.mm.st/adsense_1.txt [1]

Post 2: "I am writing this second part as a response to certain
http://crypto.mm.st/adsense_2.tx [2]

Many on this list likely share my distrust of Google, however some
uncertainty as to the credibility of the claim remains. Does anyone have
any thoughts on this?



[1] http://crypto.mm.st/adsense_1.txt
[2] http://crypto.mm.st/adsense_2.txt
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