Hi everyone—

We’re organizing a campaign against mass surveillance for this Thursday, June 
5th, the first anniversary of the Snowden leaks: http://resetthenet.org/

The idea is to build a bigger movement around sites securing their connection 
to users, and around popularizing easy to use end-to-end encryption tools that 
don't require trusting those sites to begin with.  

I know so many of you are doing awesome work in this area, so more than 
anything else I wanted to make sure you all saw the project. 

But also, if you have a site, project, or service that’s a) already actively 
doing something to resist surveillance or b) ready to commit to adding an 
anti-surveillance feature this year, please submit it or be in touch. We’d love 
to list you. And if you’re at another activist group or NGO, there are lots of 
ways we could collaborate. Lots of other groups are involved too, including the 
EFF, Greepeace, Credo, and the ACLU.

June 5th is a big day, but we plan on making this an ongoing thing. In a lot of 
ways, Reset the Net is a culmination of a year’s work doing anti-surveillance 
activism in response to the Snowden leaks. This is us trying to hit back as 
hard as we can. Hope you like it! 


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