
I've been meaning to point you to the relaunched Tactical Tech website
*Me and My Shadow* for a while: https://www.myshadow.org/

It's a website that aims to help users understand about the traces they
leave online, or rather, the traces about them that can be found online
no matter whether they have an active part in creating them.

I'm especially happy to see that parts of Me and My Shadow are now
available in *six languages* : French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Urdu
next to English.

Me and My Shadow starts with a visualisation of traces called 'Trace My
Shadow' https://www.myshadow.org/trace-my-shadow that helps users
understand what traces are created by using a mobile phone, a computer,
by using a public wifi, by using social media platforms and many other
things we do online.

It explains IP addresses, cookies, browser fingerprinting or MAC
addresses and points to tips what you can do and some tools you can use
to mitigate some of the tracking that come with all the fancy devices
and websites that make our lives more fun.

The *Tools & Resources* section shows you the tools in one spot
https://www.myshadow.org/resources/all and the *Shadow News* section has
an overview of articles relevant to privacy and tracking
https://www.myshadow.org/shadow-news/all . Last but not least there's
some longer posts we wrote over the years - check them out, there's also
some visualisations hidden in these:
https://www.myshadow.org/explore/all Unfortunately these sections only
exist in English, which shows the great lack of localisation in privacy
apps and tools. (And the lack of language editors for My Shadow, but
maybe some day..?)

Tactical Tech also produced a *set of cards* that can be printed and
distributed with an introduction to topics such as 'Nothing to hide',
'Endangering others', 'Metadata' or 'Assessing the Risks'
https://www.myshadow.org/me-and-my-shadow-flipcards. They include some
tips for further reading and have also been translated to the languages
mentioned above.

All content is licensed under a *Creative Commons* license and can be
used and adapted freely.

If you know tools that would make a good addition to the website, if you
have comments, questions or found a bug get in touch with the team:
https://www.myshadow.org/contact-us or use the feedback form

*Disclaimer*: I've worked on My Shadow for the larger part of the last
two years but left Tactical Tech this summer because I couldn't resist
the offer to be a researcher for the opposition in the German
parliamentary inquiry on mass surveillance. (If you have any insights
about activities of the Five Eyes in Germany or cooperation of German
secret services: please find my GPG key or Jabber ID at the bottom of
this email.)

Me and My Shadow will be developed further by a new team already at work
and I'm looking forward to their new ideas and projects. I know a video
and another visualisation are almost ready to be published - stay tuned
and keep checking for updates!

If you want to access the language sections directly:

*Arabic* تتبع ظلي
The Arabic cards

*Russian* Следите за своей тенью
The Russian cards

*French* Tracer mon ombre
The French cards

*Urdu* میرے سایہ کا سراغ لگاؤ
The Urdu cards

*Spanish* Rastrear Mi Sombra
The Spanish cards

Kudos to the fantastic translators who did great work! And to some
amazing people who worked on the website, the administration, on
copy-editing, the design and illustrations. It was great to work with
all of you and I hope we'll do more projects some day in the future.



Jabber: _an...@jabber.ccc.de
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