..on Tue, May 05, 2015 at 05:08:25PM +0300, anonymous2...@nym.hush.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone recommend a free or cheap VPN for OS X (a Psiphon 3
> equivalent)? 
> Before anyone says it, I'm well aware of the various dangers related
> to VPNs and the availability of TOR etc but I'm just looking for
> something for low risk stuff when travelling etc. 

I don't use OS X myself (Linux on the road) but recommend students w/OS X to use
TunnelBlick, an OpenVPN client:


For low-volatile content, where you just need to get over the border and/or off
the SP, VPNBook's OpenVPN server is great as it also offers a tunnel over 443,
80 and 53 - useful when on a non-net-neutral pipe with prejudice against VPN


For all else, I run my own OpenVPN servers. Very easy to set up.

FYI never use a closed source VPN client, even if the content is non-volatile.
It might be FedWare or simply dodgy; VPN clients generally need to exec with
root privileges. OpenVPN clients (like TunnelBlick) are your best bet.


Julian Oliver
PGP key: https://julianoliver.com/key.asc
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