Phew, the first Tor relay of the Library Freedom Project has been 
reinstated. Delightful news.

----- Forwarded message from Free Software Foundation <> -----

Dear free software supporter,

In July, Kilton Library in Lebanon, New Hampshire set up a relay server in the 
Tor network, which lets Internet users surf the Web anonymously. Tor is relied 
on every day by whistleblowers, journalists, and dissidents in oppressive 
regimes, and each relay makes the network stronger. This was the first time a 
library had set up a relay, and the FSF was excited to see a public institution 

However, things took a turn for the worse this month when the US government's 
Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement intimidated the 
library into shutting down the relay (also known as a node). In response, the 
FSF, the ACLU of Massachusetts, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Freedom 
of the Press Foundation, and others signed a [public 
 supporting the library and its Tor initiative. Even more importantly, local 
patrons of Kilton Library crammed a public hearing yesterday to express their 
conviction that the relay should be reactivated. The campaign worked and, as of 
Thursday September 16th, the relay is running again!

[Tor]( relies on thousands of relay servers 
worldwide, which route traffic in tricky ways to dodge surveillance and 
circumvent censorship. The more relays, the stronger and faster the network, 
and more are always needed. That's why Alison Macrina of the [Library Freedom 
Project]( and Nima Fatemi, a Tor 
developer, are working to launch nodes in American libraries. Kilton was the 
pilot for this project.

This isn't the first time that law enforcement has worked to shut down a Tor 
relay -- in fact, it's common for those who run relays to be harassed by 
police. The stated justification is usually that anonymity software can be used 
by criminals, but by that argument, roads should also be illegal because some 
people drive drunk.

The FSF has long supported the Tor project in its effort provide free 
software-based anonymity. We run a Tor middle relay on one of our servers, and 
have been partners with Tor and the Electronic Frontier Foundation in holding 
the [Tor Challenge](, an initiative to 
encourage people to run Tor nodes. In 2010 we [awarded Tor the Free Software 
Award for Projects of Social 

Our support for Tor is connected to our work to [fight bulk 
surveillance]( and its pernicious 
effects on computer users' rights. This is a historic moment in that battle, 
and a major success. Expect to see more Tor relays in libraries soon! If you 
think your local library would be interested in running a relay, check out the 
[Library Freedom Project's 
resources]( to get started.

Zak Rogoff  
Campaigns Manager  

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