EQPAM Volume 5 Issue No.3 (July 2016) Table of Contents Dragana Repak: "Is the 
Communist Ghost StillAlive? - Participative Democracy in Eastern Europe after 
the Fall of BerlinWall. The Case of Post-Conflict Yugoslavia and East-Central 
Europe"    pp.1-16      Bojan Todosijevic: "Structure ofIdeology. Evidence from 
Serbia"  pp. 17-40      Zoran Pavlovic: "(Post)Materialism,Satisfaction with 
Democracy and Support for Democracy in Eastern Europe"   pp. 41-55      Chaslav 
D. Koprivitsa: "'Balkanism'as Discourse(s) of Power(lessness). Towards the 
Questionability of Narrativism"   pp.56-69      Balázs Böcskei: 
"OverheadsReduction: Policy Change as a Political Innovation"   pp. 70-89       
New BooksBookPresentations John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., The Atrium, Southern 
Gate,Chichester, West Sussex, UKWiley Series inComputational and Quantitative 
Social Science, 2016 Political Attitudes: Computational and Simulation 
Modelling, by Camelia FlorelaVoinea Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group - 
London and New YorkRoutledgeHandbooks, 2016 Routledge Handbook of European 
Elections, Edited by DonatellaViola===================================Camelia 
Florela Voinea, Ph.D.  Associate Professor  Political Sciences, International 
Relations and Security Studies Department  Political Science Faculty  
University of Bucharest, Romania  Office Address: #8, Spiru Haret Street, 
Bucharest 010175  E-mail(s): camelia.voi...@fspub.unibuc.ro , 
camelia_voi...@yahoo.com  Home Page: 
 You can access my papers on SSRN at: http://ssrn.com/author=2103805
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