Data & Society has opened its call for 2017-18 fellows! We are looking for data 
scientists, researchers, journalists, practitioners, artists, and policy and 
industry folks who want to join us for 10 months in exploring the trade-offs 
and implications of a data-driven society. More details here: 
<>.  More detailed 
explanation is below!  Applications are due December 19th!

Please feel free to forward to anyone you think might want to join us!

Data & Society: Fellows Program

Data & Society is assembling its fourth class of fellows to join us from 
September 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018. (Please meet our current class here 
and our first two classes here 
 and here 
 This program is core to Data & Society’s dual mission of producing rigorous 
research that can have impact, and supporting and connecting the young but 
growing field of actors working on the social, cultural, and political effects 
of data.

Data & Society fellows have pursued academic research, written code, created 
art, brought together communities of activists and communities of practice, run 
workshops, worked closely with Data & Society’s in-house research team and with 
each other to produce joint publications, and much more. Fellows – current and 
past – are academics, coders, artists, journalists, activists, lawyers, tech 
industry actors, and community organizers united by both excitement and concern 
over the implications of data’s increasingly central role in reconfiguring 
society. We are engaged, individually and together, in building pathways to 
interrogating and articulating those implications and developing frames that 
can help society address emergent tensions.

The Data & Society fellowship is intended to produce public-facing outputs, to 
support fellows in engaging external actors – be they communities of practice, 
professional communities, a particular academic discipline, or the general 
public – and to foster collaborative activities within the D&S cohort and 
beyond that strengthen the fields in which we are working.

As we build a cohort for 2017-18, we’ll be prioritizing applicants who are 
excited about connecting with and contributing to these growing communities 
concerned with the effects of data on society. Put differently, this is not a 
fellowship program for those who want to spend a year in focused, independent 
research; rather, this is a program for people who can see the value of their 
work on a bigger stage and are looking for ways to create impact outside their 
own field.

Participation & Cohort

Fellows at Data & Society commit to being in residence at the D&S loft in New 
York City for either one or two days each week (the stipend is adjusted 
depending on days in residence). Each fellow, over the course of their 
fellowship, will pursue a project of their own design.

Fellows are also asked to engage with D&S – both at the organizational level 
and with the broader community. This engagement can take a number of different 
forms, from attending our lecture series, Databites, to organizing small group 
sessions with visitors, to developing workshops, to working on in-house 
publications, and more. We ask that all fellows either participate in or lead a 
monthly reading group and attend our weekly networking hour; beyond that, the 
choice of where and how to participate is part of the fellowship design process 
between D&S staff and the fellow.

Together with our in-house research team and postdocs, fellows form the annual 
Data & Society cohort – a (growing) group of approximately 35 colleagues who 
come together as the core of Data & Society’s field-building efforts.

Beyond the in-house cohort, Data & Society fellows are also connected to past 
fellows, our affiliates, and a broad field of actors both in New York City and 
beyond that regularly pass through D&S for workshops, seminars, social 
gatherings, and talks.

Projects & Themes

Potential fellows are invited to imagine a specific project or activity that 
they will execute to help society’s understanding of and ability to adapt to a 
world permeated by data. Successful fellowship projects are high-impact 
initiatives that engage broad audiences to inform, convene, intervene, or 
provoke. We are open to a wide range of potential outputs, from white papers 
and op-eds to events, code, and art installations. We are interested in 
interdisciplinary, cross-sector, and/or crazy ideas that tackle challenges 
facing society and don’t easily fit into a predefined category. We are also 
interested in creating connections and building synergies between our in-house 
researchers and fellows’ projects. We love it when our fellows experiment with 
new ideas or expand our network in unexpected directions. Our expectation is 
that the themes that run through our 2017-18 class will be a combination of the 
familiar and the unexpected.

To offer a sense of the kinds of projects that may be appropriate, consider 
some of the questions the 2016-17 class of fellows are tackling:

How can the tech industry navigate the social, legal, and ethical dynamics of 
working with data? How can we build a structure to support managers, 
developers, data scientists, and designers?
How can society regulate privacy in a networked environment?
How can we increase the public’s understanding of the trade-offs inherent to 
decision-making using data and algorithms? What does it mean to increase data 
literacy? How do we empower educators, librarians, and cultural institutions to 
inform the public?
What are the implications for society when DNA becomes writable code?
How does (and can) art tell the intertwined stories of data, power and identity?
Should we understand criminal defense differently when data analytics are a 
factor in constructing a case?
How do lawyers, doctors, journalists, and municipal, state, and federal 
employees understand the changes that data at scale is bringing to their 
professions? How might they prepare themselves for future possibilities?
How do we teach data ethics, when underlying assumptions are not shared? What 
other fields and frames – moral philosophy, medical ethics, government 
accountability – should we be building from?
How do we measure the impact of data collection and use? How do we measure the 
impact of regulations intended to protect or empower people?
Some of Data & Society’s ongoing, in-house research topics include: criminal 
justice; precision medicine; personalized learning; algorithms and media 
creation; labor and technology; and the privacy and surveillance experiences of 
vulnerable populations.

Again, we welcome applications that pose entirely new questions and topics and 
push D&S in new directions, as well as applications that complement and expand 
our current research focus.


We are seeking 8 to 12 fellows for the 2017-18 class. We are purposefully 
looking for a diverse mix of researchers and practitioners.

Researchers may be faculty, including those on sabbatical, or independent 
scholars. [Postdocs should explore our ongoing call for Postdoctoral Scholars. 
This is a different category at D&S that sits within our research team rather 
than our fellows class, and we’d love for you to apply here 
<>]. We are 
disciplinarily agnostic and welcome people from critical, empirical, technical, 
legal, and humanistic fields. That said, we strongly encourage applications 
from data scientists, statisticians, and mathematicians who are seeking to 
apply their scientific and technical skills to social problems, and who are 
looking to engage with social scientists.

Practitioners may include advocates and activists, educators, entrepreneurs, 
journalists, technology industry actors, those coming out of a government 
office or position, policy analysts, public intellectuals, and those whose 
practice doesn’t fit squarely into conventional categories.


Residency typically runs from September 1 through June 30 of the following 
year. If you would like to apply for a fellowship but cannot commit to a full 
term, please flag that in your application, as we may be able to accommodate 
some variations.


Fellows committing to two days a week in residence for the full term are 
offered a stipend of $25,000, with up to $5000 in project costs available to 
them. Fellows who make a one-day-a-week commitment receive a stipend of 
$12,500, also with up to $5000 in project costs available to them. If the 
fellowship period is shorter than ten months, the stipend will be pro-rated on 
a monthly basis.

All fellows will have access to desks/workspaces, meeting rooms, email 
addresses, etc., and programmatic and organizational support to advance their 

As a 501(c)(3) organization, we support fellows in applying for both federal 
and philanthropic grants, and we work with fellows currently holding grants to 
craft an appropriate fellowship that allows them to honor commitments to 

While we welcome applications from outside the United States, we are currently 
unable to support the acquisition of visas. If you are applying from outside 
the United States and are accepted, you will need to secure your own visa and, 
depending on your situation, work permit.

Application Process

To apply for a Data & Society fellowship, we’ll ask you to complete an 
application at Submittable. You’ll be submitting information about yourself and 
your work to date, including:

cover letter;
resume or CV;
work samples;
project summary and brief (1000 word) proposal;
names and email addresses of three references.
Note that references will automatically receive an email from Submittable, the 
application platform, prompting them to submit a letter of reference to Data & 
Society. Please make sure your references whitelist

First-round applications are due December 19, 2016. Second-round applicants 
will be contacted in mid-January for an interview with D&S staff, fellows, 
and/or advisors, and may be asked for additional information such as project 
budgets or letters of reference as they move through the review process.

Successful applicants will be alerted in March 2017, with a public announcement 
to follow.

If you are interested in applying to be a Data & Society fellow,
please complete the application form at <>
by December 19, 2016.
The work and well-being of Data & Society is strengthened by the diversity of 
our network and our differences in background, culture, experience, national 
origin, religion, sexual orientation, and much more. We welcome applications 
from people of color, women, the LGBTQIA community, and persons with 

Please direct your inquiries about the fellows program or application process 
to <>.
Questions will not reflect negatively on your application. Don’t hesitate to 
get in touch!

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