Had not seen that. When Bill Clinton was elected in the US,
did they mention that he grew up in a trailer park?

It seems like the motivation for this type of story is
obvious, and sad. When one of the worst autocrats is
overthrown by democratic means, it should be big news.

On 12/05/2016 02:29 PM, Heather Leson wrote:
> Thanks for bringing up this topic.
> Did you see this article from the Guardian
> https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/dec/05/gambia-argos-president-security-guard-adama-barrow
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.theguardian.com_commentisfree_2016_dec_05_gambia-2Dargos-2Dpresident-2Dsecurity-2Dguard-2Dadama-2Dbarrow&d=CwMFaQ&c=Ngd-ta5yRYsqeUsEDgxhcqsYYY1Xs5ogLxWPA_2Wlc4&r=V-iMGiA8Z-z_leHLkLSzXQ&m=SlJXG_BoOkn0cGCftQZKo1Rvd4GzZTG5vHpxYD7xAzo&s=pjRz7d5ebB99Fa5PCmqY9FrHdrL3fNw-50wtGkeNuaY&e=>
> Heather
> Heather Leson
> heatherle...@gmail.com <mailto:heatherle...@gmail.com>
> Twitter/skype: HeatherLeson
> Blog: textontechs.com
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__textontechs.com&d=CwMFaQ&c=Ngd-ta5yRYsqeUsEDgxhcqsYYY1Xs5ogLxWPA_2Wlc4&r=V-iMGiA8Z-z_leHLkLSzXQ&m=SlJXG_BoOkn0cGCftQZKo1Rvd4GzZTG5vHpxYD7xAzo&s=Zbv2_gyBalZfZ6ij7X-fsvr7x8ZuRLqJ4sGecfebOq4&e=>
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Richard Brooks <r...@g.clemson.edu
> <mailto:r...@g.clemson.edu>> wrote:
>     Have not seen any discussion here on Gambia, where a surprise
>     peaceful exchange of power seems to be taking place. The
>     dictator cut off Internet and phone service during the
>     election and yet has accepted that he lost the election.
>     A rare piece of good news.
>     --
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