On Wed, 1 Feb 2017, Jan Gerlach wrote:

Dear all

My apologies for cross-posting. I thought some folks on this list may be
interested in attending the following event in San Francisco tomorrow.

The Wikimedia Foundation has the pleasure of inviting you to join us on
Feb. 2, 2017 for a fascinating talk by Malavika Jayaram about Privacy in
Asia. Malavika is the inaugural Executive Director of the Digital Asia Hub
<https://www.digitalasiahub.org/> in Hong Kong (incubated by the Berkman
Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University), and will talk
about different concepts of privacy and identity in the Indian and larger
Asian contexts.

A practising lawyer and then academic, her most recent research interests
cover biometrics, identity and data ethics, and emerging questions around
AI. Her work also links privacy and anonymity online with questions around
freedom of expression, assembly and autonomy. Malavika has previously been
a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center and is on the Advisory Board of the
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).

Highly recommended if you can make it - Malavika is a deep thinker and
a compelling speaker and she gets the nuances of both privacy and identity. Her non-US perspective is major plus -

To attend in person, please RSVP at your earliest convenience at Eventbrite
. Here is some logistical info about the event:

  - Venue: Wikimedia Foundation, 149 New Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA.
  - Doors open at 6pm; talk starts at approx. 6.15pm. We will serve light
  - Please RSVP
  your earliest convenience. Capacity is limited and registration closes on
  Feb. 1, 2017.
  - Attendees will be asked to register at the reception and show ID.
  - The talk will be streamed and recorded here
  <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrZmcvwY_GU>. Please find more info
  about the series here



Jan Gerlach
Public Policy Manager
Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
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