Call for participation now open for the 2017 Digital Media & Learning Conference

Application Deadline: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 (Ignite Talk applications due 
by May 31, 2017)
Notifications of Acceptance: May 2017

Accepting proposals for:
Teach-Ins (90 minute sessions)
Panels (60 minute sessions)
Spotlights (30 minute sessions)
Singles (8-10 minute presentations)
Ignite Talks (5 minute presentation)

Submit at <> 

DML2017 will be held at the sunny University of California, Irvine campus 
October 4-6, 2017, and will feature an in-depth pre-conference workshop day, as 
well as two days of general sessions filled with opportunities to reimagine and 
remake learning in a connected world. This international gathering brings 
together a vibrant and diverse community of innovators, thinkers, and 
progressive educators to delve into leading-edge topics in digital media and 
learning. We build connections across research, design, and practice in the 
service of progressive, equitable, and youth-centered approaches to learning 
with technology. We hope you can join us!

More Information:
TEACH-INS (90 minute sessions): Hands-on sessions that engage participants in a 
workshop that includes small group engagement, making, or other interactive 

PANELS (60 minute sessions):  A panel with multiple complementary presentations 
(3-6) from at least two different projects, presenting original research on or 
practical applications of digital media and learning. Proposals must include 
information about the full panel, including all presenters and presentation 

SPOTLIGHTS (30 minute sessions): Deep dives exploring an innovative project, 
real-world endeavor, or multi-pronged research effort. This format can include 
one or multiple presenters, but should be reserved for large-scale or sustained 
efforts that require in-depth treatment.

SINGLES: Singles proposals are for individual 8-10-minute individual 
presentations on a research study, design, or program. Selected single 
proposals will be grouped by the conference committee into a panel with 
complementary talks and time for discussion.

SHOWCASE: Tech innovators can apply to showcase their work to the DML community 
during the course of a festive evening reception. The tech showcase is an 
opportunity to engage directly with attendees through hands-on demos. We will 
provide a table, two chairs, access to power, and a table-top sign. You bring 
the rest! There is no exhibit charge for the tech showcase–we just ask that you 
register for the conference.

IGNITE TALK: Ignite talks are radically different from traditional conference 
talks. We’re looking for humor, wit, energy and inspiration to be packed into 
one powerful five-minute talk. Visual and conceptual impact is also a must.

Jamieson Pond, Research Community Manager
Digital Media & Learning Research Hub
(949) 824-6205 <> | <> | <> | <>
Twitter: @DMLResearchHub <> | @TheCLAlliance 
<> | @dmlconference 
<> <> 

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