Do you wanna know something? They'll get their way as well. All under
the guise of "terrorism" or "protect the children" or whatever the acute
and current threat is. If they don't get their way by themselves, then
they'll band together with some other countries to strong-arm whatever
company into compliance, because "wouldn't it be a shame if you couldn't
do business in a market of ~740 (EU) or ~35 (CAN) million people and
what we ask in return is such a small thing...".

Now I apologize in advance for this (long) alarmist opinion (and a bit
of a hijack), but here goes:

I don't think many people actually understand the seriousness of the
problems we, as users/inhabitants of the Internet, are actually facing
I think it is done! It's over! The Internet was a cool experiment but it
has failed. We lost that game and need wipe it clean & start over again.
The Internet has not turned out to be this great engine of empowerment
and democratization. It has instead turned out to be a most superb
instrument for repression and control.
The more I think about this, the more I become convinced that there is
very little to be salvaged from it.

To many folks, the Internet, in effect, is facebook, Google, Amazon,
Microsoft and a couple of other large players/feudal lords (who they are
is depending on your locality); everything else is something they get to
*through* their feudal lord, that is if they ever leave the feudal lands
(cf. Google AMP).
Nation-states are seeing this as well and they too want their slice of
the cake of control - after all, the only purpose of any government of
the day, is to still be the government of the day, tomorrow. And what a
gorgeous way to see into the future by tapping into the thoughts and
desires of your populace...
They either become the One Pipe everyone talks through and watch for
anything on that pipe, they co-opt (some of) these large players or they
work on a combination of them.

Instead of a tool for freedom, the Internet has become a tool for
oppression: everything you do online is being monitored, monetized,
processed, quantified and then used against you, never in your favor.
Whether this is as mundane as hiking the price for whatever locked-down
widget you're buying the next day from a shopping website that uses
dynamic pricing or as life-altering as to stick charges against you
based on your online habits.

Back in the day, surveillance was creepy because you could see the guy
in the raincoat with the newspaper following you. It was expensive to do
so it was done sparingly. Nowadays, it is cheaper to monitor everything
and anything, 24/7/365[.25] than it is to target the surveillance so why
not put everyone under surveillance. And you don't ever see the vast
armies of faceless machines that do the monitoring, those are hidden
away in far-away data centers. The epitome of a panopticon!
It's also cheaper to keep the data around than it is to put in place
systems that sunset data after a certain age, so why not store
everything forever? After all, we may want to go back to "T minus 20
years" in case we want to /really/ hurt you. /You/ may not remember what
you did then, but /we/ certainly do!

To come back to the subject of censorship: I believe it was Noam Chomsky
who uttered that "...the smart way to keep people passive and obedient
is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very
lively debate within that spectrum..." I think that this is a very good
description of what the Internet/Panopticon has become and is on the
path of becoming even more.

As to Lauren's point regarding "My view is that Google should
consider cutting off all services to countries that make such demands.
Period.": I think that's a very naive approach and frankly, I find it
very similar to a Stockholm syndrome: "let them see how well they do
without my favorite Feudal Lord".
There are billions to be made in a market of 35 million people (+740
million in Europe). What makes you think that google will forgo such a
lucrative market?
I know, I know, they "did this in China, though, didn't they?" Well no,
no they didn't. They didn't walk away because of censorship, google is
perfectly fine with censorship (it's code change and special cases that
they are against). They walked away because they didn't want to give the
CG access to all their data and because their life was being made
miserable by the CG until they did. I'll let you draw your own
conclusions as to what that means for the feudal lords who are active in

I, for one, am looking forward to google (and the others) being
diminished to a "white page" for every single thing... an NXDOMAIN
response would be even better. I think the world will be a better place
when that happens (barring it being replaced with an even more evil
feudal lord).

More and more, I've come to see that the problem is not technology, it
is people/our nature. The technology we create is just another
manifestation and extension of our own nature.
We keep focusing on technology thinking that it will solve the problem
of our nature, but we are going about it the wrong way. First, our
nature needs to change before we will be able to create technology that
will properly address these issues. Until then, we'll just keep working
on re-enforcing our own shackles while thinking (or being told) that we
are building wings.

And all of this makes me a sad, sad cookie... because change is hard,
and it's an uphill battle against a mentality that is set on not wanting
to change.
I'm not optimistic...

On 06/28/2017 03:29 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> I didn't delete Lauren's comments because they're the best part of the
> message, haha!!  ;D
> (I know, it's tragic, not funny.)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "PFIR (People For Internet Responsibility) Announcement List"
> Idiots on Canadian Supreme Court demand right of GLOBAL Google censorship!
> Google Must Delete Search Results Worldwide, Supreme Court of Canada Rules
>         The Supreme Court of Canada ruled against Google on Wednesday
>         in a closely-watched intellectual property case over whether
>         judges can apply their own country's laws to all of the
>         Internet.  In a 7-2 decision, the court agreed a British
>         Columbia judge had the power to issue an injunction forcing
>         Google to scrub search results about pirated products not just
>         in Canada, but everywhere else in the world too.
>  - - -
> What a complete batch of power-grabbing idiots on the Canadian Supreme
> Court. My God, they demand the right to impose GLOBAL censorship? What
> total asses. Beyond stupid. More dangerous than President Chump when
> it comes to speech rights. Because the EU wants to do the same thing
> with their nightmare "Right To Be Forgotten." And China too. And
> Russia. And France. And more. And there are vile, sick politicians
> here in the USA who would do this same thing if they could figure out
> how to get it past the First Amendment. It's a race to the lowest
> common denominator censorship bottom. My view is that Google should
> consider cutting off all services to countries that make such demands.
> Period. Otherwise, one day Google Search results pages will be nothing
> but a big white empty space.

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