Hello My name is Kel and I am writing you in hopes that you will support 
Aaron’s Law a law that is being reintroduced this year in Congress by Senator 
Ron Wyden of Oregon in memory of Aaron Swartz.

                Aaron’s Law is written to reform the Computer fraud and abuse 
act (CFAA) by replacing the phrase "exceeds authorized access" with "access 
without authorization," which is defined as obtaining information on a 
protected computer that the accesser lacks authorization to obtain by knowingly 
circumventing one or more technological or physical measures that are designed 
to exclude or prevent unauthorized individuals from obtaining that information.

(1)    limit the imposition of enhanced penalties to subsequent offenses under 
such Act (currently, additional penalties are allowed if there is a conviction 
for another offense) and to criminal acts punishable under federal or state law 
by a term of imprisonment for more than one year; and

(2)    require the determination of the value of information for enhanced 
penalty purposes to be made by reference to fair market value.

The main goals of Aaron’s Law are to change the CFAA so minor breaches of Terms 
of service (TOS) are not felonies, to stop the stacking on of charges by 
Federal prosecutors that force activists, journalists, researchers and 
hacktivists to accept a plea regardless of guilt or innocence, to stop the 
ability of prosecutors to charge defendants on both a federal and state level 
and to clarify the terms of the CFAA that even judges find difficult to make 
sense of.

Well meaning, Good people are being charged as Hackers who are not hackers and 
the law in its current state is being skewed and twisted to fit the narrative 
of overzealous Prosecutors.

Aaron Swartz made it his life goal to fight for Internet users and their 
rights, in the end the Government pushed him farther than he was able to 
handle. While facing 35 years in prison, 1M fines and the cost of a two-year 
defense against trumped up charges, Aaron Swartz saw no other way out but to 
take his own life.

Now it is our turn to take up the fight and fight for the things that were 
important to Aaron. To fight for the internet, and help rid the system of this 
out dated and draconian law that was acted in the early 80’s because certain 
politicians were terrified after watching the movie War Games.

Will you consider helping?

Thank you,




@AaronsLaw2017 on twitter
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