On Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 02:28:13PM -0400, willi uebelherr wrote:
> i try to understand, how gnunet is working in his technical design.
> It is not easy to find the core information. Many things around we
> can find.


> And what is gnURL in his technical design?

Extremely unimportant detail.
curl didn't want to provide options for a stripped down
secure version, so we were forced to fork it.

> this is only possible, if we use the geografical defined IP address
> for the local network. Then we don't need IANA/ICANN and all this
> nonsense institutions. Only the RFCs we need.
> Based on this, i have big problems to understand the gnunet project.

Well, imagine that instead of spoofable IP addresses we are using
cryptographic unique public keys for worldwide addressing. Therefore,
when a packet arrives, it will always arrive at the *right* destination
and always be coming from the *right* source.

Then imagine this amazing new scientific mechanism by which any pubkey
can find a route to any other pubkey on the planet, evading any
attempt of censorship if necessary. It needs no IANA, no ICANN, it
doesn't even need BGP. Just wires and airwaves and whatever legacy
stuff you have.. like HTTPS over TCP/IP.

Now think that all of that works automatically and your application
just needs to think in terms of people: I need to send a message
to Jill and a file to Marc and Suzie. And then there is this video
stream of my incoronation that a million people would like to watch.
GNUnet will find a way to Jill, Marc, Suzie without star topology
and server filtering.

So what you think we need maybe sounds like GNUnet to me.

> many greetings, willi
> Asuncion, Paraguay

Asuncion? Maybe you know my friend Roque from Rome.

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