Yosem, are you interested in focusing on praxis or theory or history? 
Acknowledging here that one cannot rigorously separate the three, 
still—obviously--a course that looks at what has been done in the name of 
social good (by any party) and also what has actually worked (as evaluated by… 
) would differ from a course that downplays the fraught nature of any 
well-intentioned intervention, technological or not—and that's not even taking 
into consideration national operations and interests.

And, I am guessing you are not only interested in tech for social good far away 
(i.e., outside the US) but nearby? And, also, material that would include 
village planning, architecture, etc.? I refer to the latter—planning and 
building villages-- b/c it's relatively unglamorous among tech circles but as a 
field it's exciting; and it also has a history. (I distrust things that hide 
their history.)

I'll ask some friends not subscribed to this list who have relevant experience. 
And—what level? Undergrad? Grad? Research seminar?


> On 2018/10/31, at 23:09:22, Yosem Companys <ycompa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm putting together a syllabus for a Tech for Social Good course, and I was 
> wondering whether you or anyone you know have any syllabi or readings to 
> recommend.
> The readings could be anything from published research to media articles. 
> They can be seminal papers or just a good read. They can be from any 
> discipline or field.
> Thanks,
> Yosem
> -- 
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