On Sun, Dec 02, 2018 at 09:32:02PM -0500, Phil Shapiro wrote:
> I'm curious if there are any Linux enthusiasts -- on these lists -- who live 
> in the Columbus, Ohio, area? I'm working on a new article for Linux Journal 
> and there might be an interesting Columbus angle to the story. 
> (Kindly send me an email off-list, if you do live in that neck of the woods.) 
> phil 

I'm sorry Phil but open resources need to be mentioned openly.  After all, I am 
one of the prior state leaders of the Ubuntu user community for the whole of 
Ohio as well as a former member of Ubuntu's Local Community Council.  For once 
I am actually a SME on this list.

You could contact the Ubuntu Ohio group via their Launchpad page here: 
https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-ohio.  Anybody else wishing to join up with 
other Ubuntu users in Ohio, this is a good starting point.  For other states 
and countries, groups can be found by visiting http://loco.ubuntu.com/ and 
selecting "Teams".  There are amazing communities of people doing amazing 
things across the planet and the current Council is helping empower them all.

Ohio Linux Fest, which takes place in Columbus, can be found online here: 
https://ohiolinux.org/.  They may be able to provide leads to you.  They put on 
an awesome show each October even though my work schedule rarely lets me get 
away from the Cleveland-Mentor-Ashtabula area to head south to Columbus.

Outside those structures, talking to folks in the computer science program at 
The Ohio State University would probably be beneficial as well.

I spent 18 months in utter frustration over Ubuntu Ohio being a "best kept 
secret".  It is time for some of this to be a bit more visible.

Have a great day!

Stephen Michael Kellat, MSLS
Ashtabula, Ohio

Ubuntu Member Since March 15, 2012

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