MODERATOR'S NOTE: Dan's post was doing just fine until the personal attack at 
the end. Please don't engage in personal attacks on this forum, as it does 
cheapen the discussion. Everyone here is capable of disagreeing with someone 
without calling them an "idiot".


I would also think that his response should be less arrogant. Also if I were on 
the fence thinking about a candidate and whether or not to vote for him and he 
sent me a message basically calling my children protoplasm before they were 
born I would most likely not vote for him. If I were pro choice he would have 
ran me off quick, and contrary to what me may think we do need pro lifers 
voting for us.

The pro choice position is OK but it should be explained with more of a 
Ruwartian flair. This Frank guy ran this person over with his response. I'm 
worried Frank is an idiot that will never get any votes.

DC 4 Liberty

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Edwin J. Pole II
  Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 10:28 PM
  Subject: [Libertarian] Re: Why I am Pro-Choice: Support Woman's Right to 

  A few comments.

  Using Rand as a sole source for a position of this nature is
  inadequate.She was hardly an expert on child/fetal development and
  motherhood. If fact, she was pretty damn weak in the whole area of
  personal relationships.

  Your answers and statements should be more definitive. Words like
  "probably" and "maybe" are weak.

  It might be informative for you to explain how the passage of a fetus
  through the birth canal suddenly endows it with rights and changes
  "potential" to "actual." What about Caesarian section? Given all that
  we know about fetal development and activity in humans and other
  creatures, if you believe in natural rights, the statement that an
  unborn child is only potentially human and has no rights fails Occam's

  If I were to run for office again I would explain that the question of
  abortion as it relates to the state can also rest on a conflict of
  rights between a mother and a child. Carrying a child to term
  certainly inflicts hazards on a woman. It must be up to the woman to
  decide how much hazard she is willing to bear. It cannot be up to the
  State. It is not valid, however, to pretend that abortion is anything
  less than killing a human being. It may enable one to ignore the moral
  and ethical questions associated with such a decision but that does
  not mean they don't exist.

  I would also emphasize the hypocrisy of the religious right when it
  comes to adoption and payment to the mother to bear the hazard of
  birth. Why shouldn't a woman be reimbursed for the risk? At the same
  time, I would point out that the left is just as hypocritical in many
  respects. How many of them, for example, would assert the right of a
  man to the same reproductive freedom as a woman and not have to pay
  support for an unwanted child?

  There are many aspects to the abortion question. It is not something
  that truly lends itself to easy answers. Nothing that involves human
  life, and especially children, is easy. One must carefully think about
  the details of the problem and particularly separate issues of
  politics and law from morality and ethics. To ignore this is to take
  shallow positions that are untenable in the face of facts and logic.


  --- In, Franklin Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Hello Martin:
  > My name is Franklin Perez, and I am running in year 2008 for the
  > Florida State House of Representatives (District 33) with a Libertarian
  > platform. You may view information about my campaign by going to the hyperlink.
  > We met at the "Breakfast with the Candidates" Event this past Friday
  (8/22/08). You asked me what my position was on abortion, and I
  answered I was pro-choice. You stated you were pro-life and against
  abortion because you felt it was murder.
  > I promised I would send you an e-mail explaining why I was pro-choice.
  > As indicated in my campaign platform at the
  > hyperlink: I am a Pro-Choice candidate. I believe in a Woman's Right to
  > Abortion as per the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision.
  > I believe in the Roe vs. Wade United States Supreme Court decision
  that states a woman has a right to abortion on the first and second
  trimesters of pregnancy.
  > The reasons why I am a pro-choice candidate are as
  > follows:
  > ·
  > "An
  > embryo has no rights. Rights do not pertain to a potential, only
  > to an actual being. A child cannot acquire any rights until it is born.
  > The living take precedence over the not-yet-living (or the unborn)." [1]
  > ·
  > "Abortion
  > is a moral right - which should be left to the sole discretion of
  the woman
  > involved; morally, nothing other then her wish in the matter is to be
  > considered. Who can conceivably have the right to dictate to her what
  > disposition she is to make of the functions of her own body?" [1]
  > ·
  > "Never
  > mind the vicious nonsense of claiming that an embryo has a `right to
  life.' A
  > piece of protoplasm has no rights - and no life in the human sense
  of the
  > term.. To equate a potential with an actual, is vicious; to
  > advocate the sacrifice of the latter to the former, is unspeakable..
  > that by ascribing rights to the unborn, i.e., the nonliving, the
  > anti-abortionists obliterate the rights of the living: the right of
  > people to set the course of their own lives. The task of raising a
  child is a
  > tremendous, lifelong responsibility, which no one should undertake
  > or unwillingly. Procreation is not a duty: human beings are not
  > animals. For conscientious persons, an unwanted pregnancy is a
  disaster; to
  > oppose its termination is to advocate sacrifice, not for the sake of
  > benefit, but for the sake of misery qua misery, for the sake of
  > happiness and fulfillment to living human beings." [1]
  > If elected to the Florida State House of
  > Representatives (District 33), I shall publicly support and/or
  introduce the
  > following type of pro-abortion legislation:
  > · Codifying Roe. v. Wade
  > into law. (Note: This is especially important considering that one
  day the
  > United States Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade.)
  > · Access
  > to affordable family planning services via sensible free market and
  > deregulation reforms.
  > · Teaching of comprehensive, age-appropriate,
  > medically-accurate sex education, including information about both
  > and contraception, in public schools.
  > · Eliminating state funds for crisis pregnancy
  > centers or other organizations providing medically-inaccurate or false
  > information about pregnancy to women and that do not provide women
  with all of
  > their reproductive options, including adoption, carrying a pregnancy
  to term,
  > and abortion.
  > ·
  > Support the
  > right of a woman and her physician to determine the abortion method that
  > protects her health.
  > [1] Page 1 of the book entitled "The Ayn Rand Lexicon; Objectivism
  from A
  > to Z".
  > You may view more details about my pro-choice position by going to
  hyperlink. It contains my answers to a questionnaire that Planned
  Parenthood sent me.
  > I hope this clarifies my position.
  > If there are any other issues of interest you would like to discuss
  with me, please let me know.
  > Sincerely,
  > Franklin Perez (No Party Affiliation)
  > Florida State House Candidate (District 33) - Year 2008
  > Libertarian and Independent! Not Beholden to Party Politics!
  > (407) 694-7805
  > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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