The Methods of Domination

The goal of power acting through the State is to increase its domination of 
society. This requires aggression against society which the citizens may at 
some point resist, often because of the economic burdens imposed to support 
power. Power does nothing economically productive - it is a parasite. There is 
an incentive to fool the people, who greatly outnumber the power elite. There 
are incentives to improve the technology of domination and to raise the costs 
for citizens to mobilize any resistance. A few of the many means of domination 
are listed:

  a.. Direct, raw violence perpetrated by the State 
  b.. Onerous laws and laws so complex that no one can understand - you are 
never safe from "breaking" the laws, so numerous you cannot possibly be 
cognizant of them 
  c.. Inculcate "ignorance of the law is no excuse" 
  d.. Make public examples of lawbreakers by delay of justice or by issuing 
long sentences 
  e.. Arbitrary imprisonment of innocents to make people afraid of power 
  f.. Random and capricious police violence to induce fear in the people 
  g.. Propaganda, lies and censorship 
  h.. Concealment of true aims, actions and results thereof 
  i.. Control of education to mold the minds of youth 
  j.. Break up families by creating dependency on State welfare and public 
  k.. Spy on dissidents - install nationwide surveillance 
  l.. Inculcate obedience as a primary virtue 
  m.. Raise false fears and pretend to mitigate them (e.g., color-coded 
  n.. Conflate the State with country and love of country 
  o.. Appeal to popular values like equality, universal health care, "no child 
left behind" 
  p.. Make side payments to key individuals or segments of population to create 
belief in a "free lunch" 
  q.. Spread the false belief that the subjects control the State, own it or 
are the State, and that the president or leader is hired by the voters 
  r.. Pursuant to existing statutory National Emergency Powers of the 
President, delegate to him the authority to seize property, organize and 
control the means of production, seize commodities, restrict travel, take 
control of the stock exchange and more .. 
  s.. Take control of necessary goods and services that empower the State to 
deliver essential needs 
  t.. Rely on public apathy to maintain obedience 
  u.. Use compulsory public education as tool of conditioning 
  v.. Exaggerate government role in fulfilling needs of individuals and society 
  w.. Disarm the populace 
  x.. Increase ignorance and gullibility of the citizenry 
  y.. Portray State as crucial to society and order and security 
  z.. Conceal the costs of government 
  aa.. Conceal the facts and effects of government interventions 
  ab.. Portray State as an up-lifter of mankind, savior of the masses and 
  ac.. Spread false belief that State speaks and acts on behalf of and for the 
  ad.. Spread belief that State agents have been hired by the people to do a 
  ae.. Absorb or co-opt creative power centers in society 
  af.. Divide and rule - create factions and communal disharmony 
  ag.. Use payoffs and favors of all sorts to keep people quiet, to create 
obligations, to blackmail (see, e.g., Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit 
  ah.. Inculcate the conditioning that it is social duty to accept State 
dictates even when you disagree, that majority rules - sometimes you get your 
way, sometimes the other guy gets his way - but we're all one country, all in 
it together 
  ai.. Suppress speech and communication (partly through threat of pervasive 
  aj.. Enlist, co-opt and corrupt the press - buy them if necessary 
  ak.. Bestow public honors on those who serve the State agenda 
  al.. Distract public attention with falsified reports of external threat 
  am.. Distract the public with a culture of "bread and circuses" 
  an.. Bureaucratic impediments of access to the truth 
  ao.. Executive orders that allow State seizure of private property 
  ap.. Executive Orders that legalize corporate collusion with government and 
concealment of records thereof 
  aq.. The catalog of evil is so long, all-pervasive and continuous, one could 
not finish it by writing to the end of his days...

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